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Cristiano's p.o.v

"have we met before?" I asked Nicolette. "I'm sorry, you just seem awfully familiar"

"Actually. We have back in Manchester" she smiled at me, her smile was too contagious that I had to muster up a smile myself. But I honestly didn't remember our meeting, I should have though considering how beautiful she was.

"Manchester uh yes, I didn't sleep with you did I?" I asked her just to be clear, it may have not been appropriate to ask her but I sort of had a reputation back in England. And I just had to make sure.

Nicolette shook her head viciously fast. "Oh no, of course not. "

I nodded laughing alittle. "Oh okay good."

It was awkward now. I just had to make sure I didn't want to ruin anything with Nicolas if I ever slept with his own mother. I cleared my throat again slipping my hands into my sweatpants pocket.

"So you played really well Nicolas" I smiled down at him. "And I was wondering if you'd like to maybe come to one of my games."

The young boys eyes lit up as if I just made his entire year. "Really? Can I go mom please?" We both look at Nicolette waiting for her answer. She looked a bit pale for some unknown reason. Maybe she was under the weather.

"Uh- I don't want you to spend your money on us-" she smiled timidly.

"It's my pleasure, I want you both to come" I smiled at her. For some reason she seemed rather sad and broken, and since I was so attached to Nicolas, it was my duty to make his mother happy.

"I'll pay you back" she smiled weakly not making any eye contact with me.

What I did surprised us both, as I grabbed her hands onto mine. "You don't have to pay me back, I insist as one friend to another."

She sighed looking down in defeat. "Uh I guess that's fine then"

I pulled her in a surprising hug, which surprised me even more than her. "Thank you. "

I have no idea why the sudden urge to be intimate and touchy with her came from but I was minding it one bit. I pulled out my phone as soon as I let go of her.

"Here's my phone number and you should give me yours as well, in case you need anything" I said quickly.

"I really don't need to be someone's charity case" she shook her head her voice cracking. "I won't need anything"

"No no, I'm just- we could be friends Nicolette, I think Nicolas is a- "

"No, please don't get my son involved either" she sighed. "I'm sorry, we're not interested in whatever your trying to do"

I watched as she pulled Nicolas by the arms and walking in the opposite direction with out looking back at me. I groaned in frustration. What did I do wrong? I kept asking myself that same question. I had no clue what triggered her to be so mad at me, was it the tickets? Did I wear the wrong shade of grey? I had no clue what I did.

I sighed and turned around walking back to the parking area where my car was parked. I didn't know why this got me so upset either. I'm Cristiano Ronaldo after all these sort of things never fazed me yet here I am, my heart is aching and I just want to follow them home.

Nicolette's p.o.v

I sat down on the couch with my hands on my face. I didn't see this coming, I didn't even know he knew about Nicolas. This was the last thing I wanted to see him. I knew that sooner or later I'd see him, but I thought I would avoid it. But no he had to come to my sons football game.

"Mom? Are you okay? " Nicolas's voice came out from besides me.

I sighed then lifted my head up to look at him. "Yes baby, I'm fine"

My eyes searched his face, they looked exactly the same. The same features, eye color, smiles, hair color, dimples and everything. The only ties that tied me to Nicolas was that I gave birth to him. It was as if I was looking at a younger version of Cristiano at the very moment. I was snapped back to reality when I heard a faint knock on my door.

I walked up making sure my eyes weren't blood shot red or anything. I opened the door and my heart fell to the pits of my stomach. There in flesh was Cristiano Ronaldo, the last person I wanted to see standing in my front door. Yet he seemed so very concern and that's the only reason I didn't shut the door right in his face. He just had to look like my darn son.

"H-hello Cristiano" I managed to get out.


"How may I help you?" I asked.

"I just came to er apologize." He looked down at his feet as if this was the most nerve wrecking thing he's ever had to do.

Every time Nicolas did something bad, he'd always make this face where he'd puff out his lips and his eyes would twinkle as if he was really sad and I'd just have to give in and not be mad at him. Guess where he inherited that from? Definitely not my side of the family. And here he was, using the exact face my son pulled on me and I just had to open my door wider for him to enter.

"How did you know where we lived anyway?" I asked shutting the door behind me.

"I uhm didn't Nicolas tell you that I dropped him off on Sunday?" He asked scratching the back of his neck.

He was with Nicolas on Sunday? Did martins mother not drop him off and if she didn't then why didn't she tell me.

"Oh no, I wasn't informed. " I crossed my arm walking into the living room. "But do you want anything to drink?"

"Water would be fine" he slipped off his shoes before walking any further into my home.

"Cristiano! What are you doing here?" Nicolas exclaimed running towards the Portuguese's arms.

"I came to see you" he laughed. "And make sure you come to my game tomorrow night"

"Are we going mom?" Nicolas turned his head to face me. He looked so happy and I didn't want to ruin it for him.

" I guess we are" I smiled widely taking in the scene of a father-son. Even though they had no clue that they were closer than they were.

"Cristiano would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked him.

He looked at me with the biggest smile ever as if I just told him something he wanted to hear. "I would love to. "

Timeless // C. RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now