Chapter 8: Interview

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Hearing the doorbell ring, I groaned and rubbed my eyes. The small red clock sitting on my bedside table told me it was seven in the morning. Seven? Who would wake us up at seven in the morning?

“Lainie get the door!” I heard Henry yell from his room. His voice sounded tired so I assumed he must’ve just woken up as well.

“You get it!” I yelled back, burying my face into my soft pillow. The doorbell rang again and again. Whoever was at the door was seriously annoying!

“No you get it!”

No way. I needed my beauty sleep. “I always get out of bed first, you get it!”

As I tried getting back to sleep, my cell sitting on my bedside table started ringing. Sighing, I sat up drowsily and picked it up. It was Steve. “Mmm?”

“Lainie! I forgot my keys at home so open the door! Is the doorbell broken or something? Open the damn door!” Before I could reply, he hung up. Sighing, I dragged myself out of bed and didn’t bother to change out of my Hello Kitty pyjamas. Once I reached the door and opened it, not only did I find Steve, but April as well. She was bouncing up and down and once the door was fully open, she squealed and threw her arms around me. Ok …

“Congratulations! Congratulations! I can’t believe Henry proposed! Never saw that day coming! He must have it for you bad.”

I grimaced at that. “I don’t think so.”

April laughed. “No need to be modest, Lainie. Oh my god, I totally forgot! Show me the ring!”

She took my left hand in hers and examined the ring. Once she was finished inspecting it, she asked, “Is it from Cartier? It’s beautiful.”

I shook my head and grinned. “It’s from Tiffany’s.”

‘That’s even better! I never knew my brother had such good taste,” April said, giggling.

Actually he didn’t. Henry had told me once we had gotten home last night that Steve had purchased the ring. While April asked me all about the details of last night, Steve flicked through different channels on the TV as fast as lightning. After telling about last night to April, Henry entered the lounge room in a black shirt and khaki shorts. It matched him really well. But before I could finish my ogling, April attacked Henry with a bear hug, grinning. I had the feeling April’s cheeks would be sore from all the smiling.

“Brother, I can’t believe you’re engaged!”

“Neither can I,” Henry replied, laughing. “Never saw that one coming did you?”

April nodded. “By the way, Mom wants to congratulate you! She said she tried calling you this morning but you didn’t pick up …”

Henry frowned and reached for his cell in his pocket. “Oh … fourteen missed calls and five voicemails. Wonderful.”

April then turned to me. “Mom totally wants to meet you, Lainie! She can’t wait! You’ll visit her, right?”

“Sure,” I answered, not knowing what else to say.

April beamed and we all sat down to watch what Steve was watching. It was the news and they were going through today’s headlines. I had the feeling that they would talk about Henry’s engaged status and they did.

“Twenty one year old actor and model Henry Parker is now engaged! The two were seen last night at the Wilshire Restaurant in Santa Monica. The video coming up shows Henry Parker on one knee asking his new girlfriend, Lainie Watson to marry him. Lainie is the nineteen year old niece of Steve Campbell, Henry’s manager. So here is the footage of last night at the Wilshire Restaurant …”

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