Chapter 20: Shopping With The Girls .. and Keith

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A/N: Lainie's dress is on the side!!

So I had told Keith about the bet I had agreed to and he had laughed his head off. He laughed even more when I told him my plan to get the guys numbers.

It had been two days since Henry and I decided on the bet. It was awkward between us. For example, Henry and I didn’t sleep on the same bed. He decided to sleep on the couch himself. I had been in disbelief and still was. Since when did dirty minded Henry not force himself onto the bed with me?

Anyway, we had organised a group to go on a shopping trip today, so we (mainly the girls) buy new outfits for Veronica’s birthday bash. She wasn’t coming on the trip of course; she preferred to shop with ‘non rejects.' I couldn't believe she had called me a reject.

Most of our group was waiting for the last scene for finish before going. Including me, there were six people – Keith, Natasha, Clara and her boyfriend, Aiden, and Henry. Yes, Henry. He hadn’t wanted to come, but when he heard Keith was coming, he immediately decided to join us. I had asked Steve if he had wanted to come but he had said no (of course, because he was working).

“We’re finished!”

I looked up at the sound of Clara’s voice. Clara, like Natasha, is a minor actress in the film as one of the first victims of the serial killer. Henry and Keith were right behind her, with Keith trying to make conversation with Henry, just to annoy him I think.

“I haven’t been shopping in ages,” Natasha whined, her blue eyes wide. “And I am in need of a new dress!”

Clara frowned as we started heading towards Henry’s limo outside the building. “I was just going to wear a skirt with a blouse …”

I bit my lip to hide my smile. I would say something like that too and April would chastise me for not thinking ‘fabulously.’ And then, Natasha did the exact same thing as April would do. They would really get along.

It took fifteen minutes to get to the shops and on the way there, we chatted about random topics. We arrived in front of a large plaza, surrounded by cute boutiques, cafes and entertainment stores. We all agreed the boys should go in a group and hang out together, while the girls would go shopping for their outfits and then we would meet back in front of the Chinese restaurant to eat lunch, but Keith insisted on coming with us because he wanted to help us with dress shopping.

I laughed aloud at that and especially the looks everyone was giving him. Henry was shooting daggers at him, Clara was tilting her head to the side and looking like as if she thought she misheard what he had said, and Aiden’s eyebrows were raised impossibly high on his forehead.

Natasha meanwhile looked at him disgusted. “You perv!” she exclaimed, pointing a finger at him.

Her accusation made us all laugh harder (except Henry) while Keith turned just a bit pink. “What?” He asked with a little careless shrug. “Can’t I show my love for shopping?”

“You are just weird,” Natasha said after a few seconds. She sighed and looked away. “And to think I thought you were hot!”

Keith blushed even more while the rest of us laughed even harder. Natasha ended up letting Keith tag along with the help of Clara’s reasoning.

Clara, Keith and I were dragged us into heaps of shops by Natasha, but most didn’t sell a lot of dresses. They sold casual dresses, but we were looking for party dresses. And we ended up finding a large modern looking store which sold a lot of party-like clothes.

We headed inside we were immediately assaulted by a shop assistant, whose name tag told us her name was Belle. She descended upon us and gave us all a charismatic smile. “Hello there! Do you girls need anything?”

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