159- Busybodies

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Ch159 - Busybodies

Baili Yunsong couldn't bear to look straight at him. He covered Baili Yunshan's mouth from behind, then smiled awkwardly without being impolite. "Please excuse him. Whenever my family's younger brother sees a powerful craftsman, he is prone to getting excited and being abnormal. Everyone need not mind him, don't mind him okay?"

Yan Tianhen nodded understandingly. "A lot of people act like that when they see my Dage anyway, so my Dage should be used to it by now."

Baili Yunsong, "..."

Baili Yunshan pushed aside Baili Yunsong's hand and rolled his eyes at him. He sincerely said to Lin Xuanzhi, "Lin Dage, I'm here to explain things to you."

Lin Xuanzhi said, "What are you here to explain?"

Baili Yunshan said, "My Second Brother wasn't the one who instigated Boss Bai to make things difficult for you on the platform. Lin Dage, please don't misunderstand anything. Although my Second Brother may be quite dumb sometimes, he's definitely not the type to play tricks on others behind the scenes, please believe me!"

Baili Yunsong couldn't endure it any longer and grabbed Baili Yunshan's collar, "What do you mean by 'quite dumb'? Lao San, looks like you're capable of taking the tiles off the roof after not getting hit for three days."

Baili Yunshan sighed, "If you're just dumb, then so be it, but it's even worse that you're not admitting it."

Baili Yunsong, "..."

No, I have to take a deep breath. He's my younger brother, and also the darling of my parents and the entire family!

Thus, Baili Yunsong released some Qi to completely seal off all the mute acupoints on Baili Yunshan.

Baili Yunshan, "..."

Baili Yunsong revealed a fitting smile, easily letting go of and regaining his demeanour as the young master of an influential family.

"I apologise for letting everyone witness a joke." Baili Yunsong said, "However, today's incident truly had nothing to do with my Baili family."

Lin Xuanzhi nodded. "I never suspected your family of doing it either.

Baili Yunsong was a little curious and asked, "Don't tell me you already know who's behind it?"

Lin Xuanzhi shook his head. "How could such matters be guessed so easily? I have a lot of enemies after all."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Baili Yunsong, "..."

"But I think I'll find out soon enough." Lin Xuanzhi smiled a little and didn't seem worried at all.

Baili Yunsong suddenly recalled something and nodded. He asked solemnly, "Looks like Young Master Lin is actually acquainted with Young Master Bai."

Lin Xuanzhi said, "We've met once."

Baili Yunsong said, "Meeting the Young Master Bai who rarely shows up in front of others even once is not an easy feat."

Lin Xuanzhi looked at Baili Yunsong and said, "If Fellow Baili has any requests, feel free to say it."

"Looks like Fellow Lin is a straightforward person as well." Baili Yunsong ignored Baili Yunshan's death glare and said brazenly, "My family's Yunshan is the most gifted craftsman of my Baili family. But because our family is not well versed in craftsman path, we do intend to let him become the disciple of an elder from the Bai family in Sky Peak Sect. If Fellow Lin has some connections and offer a recommendation on our behalf, then...we definitely won't treat Fellow Lin badly."

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