174- So Ridiculously Wrong

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Ch174 – So Ridiculously Wrong

Yan Tianhen was stunned and frowned, “Dage, how could you eat the stuff he bought? Did you forget about how Yuyang Gege was abandoned by him after getting bullied?”

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Although they would be poor once in awhile because of how Lin Xuanzhi spends his money wantonly, they couldn’t accept gifts from the enemy no matter how poor they are ah!

Lin Xuanzhi thought to himself that their family’s Ah Hen really dislikes that Yuan Tianwen quite a lot! Or, in other words, he has a really good relationship with Duan Yuyang. He didn’t expect this small money grubber to even refuse food that’s served to him.

“He was probably an enemy before, but from now on, he shouldn’t be.”

“Ah? Why?” Yan Tianhen was puzzled.

Lin Xuanzhi explained, “To put it simply, Yuan Tianwen regarded the one who he had slept with as Han Yuran. He has already seen the light now and knows the truth.”

Yan Tianhen fell into a daze, then opened his mouth wide. “W-what’s up with that??”

So Lin Xuanzhi narrated Yuan Tianwen’s dark history from beginning to end.

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Yan Tianhen was stunned as he listened.

After digesting it, Yan Tianhen said thoughtfully, “Actually, it’s not considered too late for him to repent now. They haven’t become a Dao couple yet after all, so there’s still room for salvation.”

Lin Xuanzhi looked at Yan Tianhen. “Does Ah Hen think that there’s still hope for Yuan Tianwen? Do you think he deserves to be forgiven?”

“Of course.” Yan Tianhen didn’t seem to think that it was much of a problem. “Because Yuyang Gege likes him. Otherwise, he would not have been willing to take care of Yuan Tianwen for such a long time at the start. Since he likes him, even if he did something bad, Yuyang Gege will forgive him sooner or later.”

Lin Xuanzhi looked at Yan Tianhen.

Yan Tianhen blinked and rubbed his face. “What is it?”

“Nothing.” Lin Xuanzhi smiled and gently said, “I just think that I’m the most blessed person in the world to have a younger brother like Ah Hen.”

Yan Tianhen’s face was a little red, but he still puffed his chest out proudly, “Of course! ‘Cause I’m Dage’s younger brother!”

Lin Xuanzhi felt comforted. He thought that he would never hand this person over to anyone else no matter what in this lifetime, and he wouldn’t let anyone hurt him either.

However, on Duan Yuyang’s side, it probably wouldn’t be as simple and pure as Yan Tianhen thought.

So how is it going exactly on Duan Yuyang’s side?

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Yuan Tianwen walked along the bustling street, feeling as if he was stepping on clouds. He drifted forward and felt a little weak-kneed as well. Profound Sky sect’s Young Peak Master Yuan, who had always been a steady man, actually bumped into quite a few people along the way in succession and even got scolded.

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