Chapter Seven

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"PERSEUS, WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!" Yelled Triton jumping on top of his sleeping brother.

Percy grumbled and struck his hand out. A  powerful arc of lightning erupted from the sleeping gods' finger tips, blasting Triton against the wall.

"Demigod's hopped up on caffeine, what in Ares' bloody speedo was that?" Triton panted out.

Percy rolled over and fell back asleep.

"Perseus," Triton hissed. "How did you do that?"

"Do what?" Percy mumbled, only now realising that he was alone in the large bed.

"The lightning, how did you do that?"

"I dunno."

Triton summoned his trident and poked Percy in the side with the blunt end.

"Percy." Poke. "Bubbles." Poke. "Perseus." Poke.

"Stop doing that," Percy said.

"No." Triton poked Percy again. "That hurt like Hercales' fist up the ass, so no."

"Sorry," Percy tried to say but it came out as 'sar-ee'.

"What was that?" said Triton, jumping on top of his brother again.

Percy moved his face away from the pillow so that Triton could hear him. "Sorry."

"Alright Bubbles get up."


"Because Kym and I want to take you to disneyland," Triton said sarcastically.

"Yay." Percy stuffed his face back against the pillow.

Triton frowned, thinking for a moment. "Get up or I'll tickle you!" he threatened.

Percy tried to lift himself up but since Triton was sitting on his back he found that impossible.

"Guess I'll have to tickle you then."


"Too late," Triton said gleefully as he tortured Percy's sides. While the god in question had burst into a peal of giggles. Begging his older brother to stop.

Triton stopped. "I always had to do that to Anteros to get him to wake up so just try me. I'll do it again."

"I'm up, I'm up," Percy said, trying to push himself up again.

He managed to get himself up in a push up, then tucked one arm underneath himself so that Triton fell off.

The door flew open and Hermes stood there, brandishing a plastic light saber like a sword. "I'm here-"

Triton interupted him from where he lay on the floor, "I'm queer."

Then Percy chimed in, "And I'm not a deer."

Hermes finished his sentence, ingoring the two gods. "What happened? I heard a bang and there was a bright light, is anyone hurt?"

"My darling brother blasted me with lightning and it hurt like Hepheatus wacked you with a mace," Triton complained. The eldest god in the room then used his trident to push himself to his feet.

Hermes got a confused look on his face, "You've been wacked by the mace too?"

Triton rolled his eyes and nodded before wacking Percy on the head with his trident.

"What was that for?" Percy quickly got to his feet and inched towards Hermes before Triton could tickle him again. Giving both gods an excellent view of his bare chest.

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