Chapter Eleven

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"I'm telling you Tri, it didn't mean anything. Just one night stand thats all," Percy said for what must've been the millionth time since they found out that him and Apollo had gotten 'close'.

Triton was not convinced, "Is that why your eyes still go yellow when I say his name?"

"We don't know why my eyes change colour! You said it was just an emotion thing."

Kym put an arm around Percy's shoulders. "Aww our poor brother is still in denial."

They were in Poseidon's underwater palace. Percy's room specifically. The one he'd been staying in for several days since the night of the party.

He hadn't seen Apollo since. He wouldn't admit it to his siblings but he missed him. He really did. It felt like his heart had been torn out of his chest and was out of reach while he bled out. Like his soul was ripped apart. Like he needed his other half back. His good half. His laugh, his love, his loyalty, stubbornness, protectiveness. He was still all those things but it seemed as if his better half had been stolen from him.

He'd felt like that ever since he moved into Poseidon's palace.

"Your eyes are dull, we know you miss him," Kym said one hand running through his hair. It felt nice, made him feel at home. It was odd, when he'd first met Kym it was more of a 'please don't kill me' kind of thing. Now their relationship had morphed into a mutual understanding, bringing comfort to the other.

The sea goddess had told him that she hated her marriage. Hated her home. Hated- well everything that she'd been forced into. Hated that she wasn't accepted.

Percy accepted her. He knew what it felt like to be the odd one out and didn't want his big sister to feel like that. Not anymore.

"I don't miss him. I just feel empty," Percy said, leaning his head onto Kym's shoulder. "I feel like I've lost my entire identity."

"How long have you felt like this?" Triton pressed. It was no secret to the other gods in Poseidon's temple that Perxy was feeling down. The only time they'd got him back to his old self was when him and Anteros were tricking everybody into thinking they were twins. 'It worked well enough at the party,' they reasoned, 'So it will work here too!'

"Since I got here, is there something in the nectar you've been giving me?" Percy said.

Kym kept running her hand through Percy's hair a frown on her features. "Bubbles."


"Do you want to go to the mortal world?"

Triton cast her a look.

"I can go?" Percy asked hopeful.

"Well if we go with you and make sure nothing strenuous happens. Then yes, you can go," Kym said warmly. Smiling at the happy look on her brothers face. His eyes turning bright yellow.

"Can we go now then? Please please please."

Triton was having a staring contest with Kym. Kym won. Triton sighed.

"If you don't shut up we won't take you," Triton said while Kym wore a smug grin.

Percy nodded so fast the two siblings thought his head would fall off.

Kym pushed Percy off her shoulder and swam to the door. "We just have to tell Dad where we're taking you so he doesn't arrange a search party when he can't find us."

Percy swam after her. Triton went last, wondering how on Gaea's mountains he got stuck with babysitting duty.

"FATHER, OPEN UP WE'RE BRINGING THE DEPRESSED FISH IN," Kym yelled at the locked door to the throne room.

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