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THE RAVENDALE DISTRICT IS cold and dreary this morning, and it's almost like the weather is trying to sabotage you. The heavy mist and spitting rain make it hard for your sensors to analyze your surroundings and the thunder makes your audio processors crackle.

It's a bad day to be searching for a Deviant but you have no other choice.

You look around the streets, LED circling between blue and yellow as you absorb the information around you.

"Stay here," says Lieutenant Anderson, his voice breaking you from your analysis, "and don't wander off."

He's mad at you but you're not entirely sure why. Maybe he's just generally annoyed by your presence being a new constant in his life. Plus... he's had a busy day.

Instead of asking, you simply nod at him politely. "Yes, Lieutenant."

Connor gives you a small smile and a quick "he's just an old grump" before he goes to talk to one of the investigating Officers.

You hum and take another look around. People walk on the busy footpath with umbrellas held above their heads to protect them from the rain. For a moment, it makes you wonder why Connor and Lieutenant Anderson didn't bring any ponchos or umbrellas.

Do they like the rain?

"Shit, we've found it!"

What? You freeze and look toward the Lieutenant who's pointing at two distant figures that have broken out into a run.

You need no further instruction. After all, you're designed for capturing Deviants. With a jolt, you run forward and sprint across the busy road, your feet pounding against the hard concrete as you chase after the Deviant and the girl it has kidnapped.

The AX400 sprints forward and turns down an alleyway. It drags the little girl with it and your LED glows amber as you calculate your next step.

Swiftly, and with accuracy, you turn down the alleyway just as the Lieutenant and Connor arrive in Connor's car. You watch as the Deviant jumps over the fence with the little girl in her arms and you dash forward.

"They're crazy," gasps Lieutenant Anderson as he pants to catch his breath.

The AX400 and the little girl slide down a muddy hill and climb onto a busy highway. You watch, intently, as they dodge cars. You still have time...

You know what to do. You leap onto the wire fence and begin scaling the bottom rows like a cat, your hands gripping the pliable wire to keep it steady.

"What the- Y/N!" yells Lieutenant Anderson, just as you hear Connor's voice.

"Y/N! Stop! You'll die! Get down!"

"I can't let them get away!"

"Y/N, they'll never make it across-" yells Connor, "you'll get yourself killed!

"Do not go after that Android, that's an order!" snapped Hank.

You look at Anderson, then at the worried-seeming Connor.


Your LED flashes yellow and you freeze. Slowly, you climb off the gate and return to where Connor and the Lieutenant stand, firmly planted on the slippery ground.


"Jesus," groans the Lieutenant as he rubs his face. "I'm too fuckin' old for this..."

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