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"UH, Y/N, CAN ANDROIDS shower?" Connor asks unsurely from where he stands at the doorway of his bedroom. He scratches his head, seeming sincere in his cluelessness.

Hank snorts from the couch, "'Course you'd want to know, you creepy bastard."

In less than a second, Connor's cheeks turn a bright, fire-hydrant red and he stammers, his mouth wide open. "I- Hank, that's not what I mean! It's just... You'll still have blood-stains on your skin even if you change outfits, Y/N, so-..."

"Don't worry," you soothe the Detective with a pleasant smile, "but for future reference, I'm very durable and can withstand all sorts of human activities."

Connor, still pink-faced, ducks his head and continues rummaging through his wardrobe.

Hank side-eyes the two of you judgementally. "Fuck this," he mutters and turns the TV volume up until it's nearly at 100%.

You stare at Connor unblinkingly and after a moment of silence, he finally speaks.

"Uh, right," he pulls a red cotton shirt out of his closet and studies it. With a satisfied nod, he passes it to you. "Hmm..."

He continues digging through his wardrobe quickly, "Uh. I don't know if I have any bottoms that'll fit you.."

Hank scoffs loudly, "You're not slick, Con, but she can't go to Chicken Feed without pants."

You ignore him. "That's okay, Connor. My dress pants are only moderately stained."

Blushing, the Detective avoids your piercing gaze and keeps rummaging through his drawers. Eventually, he pulls out some grey sweatpants with a drawstring waist and passes them to you.

"These are probably more comfortable. Uhh... I'll see you after your shower," he blurts and quickly slips past you to sit on the couch with Hank.

You watch him with confused eyes. The clothes in your arms feel strangely warm...

Without saying anything else, you maneuver your way through the house and into the bathroom.

Just as you're closing the bathroom door, you catch the end of Hank and Connor's conversation.

"- flirting really isn't that hard, kid, you just gotta -" says Hank's distant voice.

".. - I try but I always get too nervous, yknow? So I stuff things up -"

"... - I mean, I don't really get it but - ... - e's mechanical as all hell-"


You frown quietly and look around.

It's a classic bathroom with white, tile walls, a big bathtub and shower, and a classy grey cabinet.

You place the cotton shirt and sweatpants Connor has lent you on the cabinet, next to the sink, and turn the shower tap on.

Stripping from your uniform and putting the discarded clothes on a neat pile, you awkwardly wait for the water to heat up. Even though you don't necessarily need the water to be warm, it could be ice cold and you'd be fine, you'd prefer... the water to be steaming.

Standing beneath the tap, you feel the heavy water soak your synthetic skin. It clings to your hair and washes off your back - efficiently cleaning away the remnants of thirium and muddy rain-water.

You sigh in relief. Tension (or whatever the Android equivalent is) leaves your body along with the muck.

You scrub your body with the loofah and watch as soap suds froth over your silky skin. Showering isn't something you ever expected you'd have to do. Usually, a Cyberlife worker would just put you in a capsule for you to be washed and dried and then send you off on your way.

So this was a pleasant, welcome change.

Turning the tap off, you let yourself drip dry in the shower for a few minutes (exactly 2 minutes, 31 seconds) and dry yourself off with a towel.

It... smells like Connor. At least, it has traces of the same cologne.


Frowning, you hurriedly get changed into Connor's spare clothes and pat down your half-damp hair to try and neaten it. Connor's blue shirt hangs from your frame loosely and his sweatpants basically drown your legs, so baggy that you have to keep the waist from slipping down.

With a self-satisfied nod, you exit the bathroom and strut back to the living room, where you can hear Hank cheering.

"Fuck yea! Another win," cheers the Lieutenant.

Connor groans dramatically and you watch as he flops back into the couch, "What? That was totally foul-play!"

You watch them in silence... They seem so happy. So comfortable. Connor is glowing, his eyes in the shape of crescent moons, and Hank is smiling widely enough that his crow's feet are visible by his eyes...

It'd be impossible to connect these two men to the ones that were arguing last night and that one had held a gun to your head.

"What are you watching?" you blurt, breaking the moment.

Connor jumps and his head jolts up from where it was laying on the head of the couch. His eyes widen considerably as he stares at you, you with your wet hair and baggy clothes, and he stares at you like he's looking at you for the first time.



Hank clears his throat, seeming embarrassed. He puts his walls back up again. "Ah, well, y'know, a game... Anyway. Ready to go? I'm hungry enough to eat a whole fuckin' horse right now."

"Oh, for sure," says Connor, eagerly, and his eyes never leave your face.

You blink at him slowly, a little bit confused. His staring makes you wonder. It seems like he has taken a romantic interest in you (based on the information you've received from your frequent internet searches) but you're an Android and he's a human, so that can't be right.

"I'll drive," Hank's gruff voice snaps you from the sudden onslaught of thoughts, "c'mon."

You nod. Connor stretches as he stands and shoots Hank a weird, raised-eyebrow look, "Looks like neither of us is driving on our way back, though... Y/N, are you programmed to drive?"

"Of course," you say automatically, "I'm happy to drive if you are both too intoxicated to do so."

Connor grins awkwardly, "Er, thanks!"

"Hurry up," Hank grouches from where he stands at the door, buttoning up his coat and tying his belt. "If you take any longer, I might have to eat you, Con."

Connor snorts and hurriedly walks over to the Lieutenant, leaving you staring at them cluelessly. Hank opens the front door, revealing heavy snowfall and cold winds. You frown, "...Cannibalism is illegal, Lieutenant. You know that..." before you catch up with them.

Hank stares at you in mild annoyance and Connor laughs, loudly, from next to you.

"You're so cute, Y/N," chuckles the Detective, his brown eyes gleaming in the reflections of light on snow.

You... are? He... thinks so?


AUTHOR'S NOTE: woohoo!!! 500 reads! thanks so much, guys!!! again, im really sorry for the wonky updating pattern right now )): thank you so much for your patience, i really appreciate it.

anywayyy- y/n's starting to have a bunchhh of software instabilities! i hope you guys are as excited as i am for what'll happen once she becomes a little less robotic :^))

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