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☝️ how I imagine the caravans.

Luke's POV

Elijah welcomed me with a punch to my stomach as soon as I walked into the hotel room. It was a light punch but I wasn't expecting it, and doubled over.

"That's for not answering any of our calls" Elijah said beside me.

"And bailing on us at the party" Tim said in a slur. Was he still drunk?

"Dude" I said straightening up. "I sent an sms"

"Yeah, by 8:30 this morning. And then you show up by 1:30. I had to make sure their drunk asses got here last night" he waved his arm to Tim and Jake who were sprawled on the bed. "Do you know how frustrating that was? Where were you?" He demanded.

I had gone home after leaving Mina. Took a shower and then went off to the golf course. While there, my mom texted for me to pick up a cake from Eve's corner, so I stopped by the diner after the meeting. I remember how beautiful Mina looked standing there at the counter. I just wanted to kiss her lips all over again. I delivered the cake to my mom and came straight here. I don't know what these boys are yapping about.

"Gosh you sound like my mom" I said as I made to step past him into the room.

I had taken just two steps before I fell on the floor. The son-of-a-bitch tripped me with his foot.

"You should throw in some blows as well Elijah." Tim slurred again raising his head slightly "what kind of idiot bails on his friends at a party he invited them to?"

Elijah started towards me again with raised fists.

I raised my palms "okay, hands up. You're right guys. I'm sorry." He glared at me but put his fists down and went to sit on the sofa.

"Something came up" I explained getting up. "And then this morning we had a meeting with a client."

On a Saturday?" Tim slur was becoming quite annoying to hear.

"Shut up and go back to sleep Tim" I said. I sat on the long couch and rubbed my eyes. I was so tired. I didn't get much sleep last night.

"That's the look of the guy who was banging something all night". Elijah snorted.

This boy needs a filter on his mouth.

"Elijah" I groaned.

He stood up abruptly. "I was right wasn't I?" He wiggled his eyebrows up and down in an annoying way and pointed a finger at me. "You got some quality, banging sex last night"

I lay down on the couch. "Shut up"

"Say I was right and I'd shut up. I know I was right" he insisted

There was quality sex alright, but it had nothing to do with surprises or Olivia. "You know nothing Elijah" 

"Asshole" he muttered and went to the phone. "I'm ordering room service"

"You're paying for it" I said, eyes closed.

"What? Your family owns this hotel" he pointed out.

"My family owns this business" I responded dryly. "Emphasis on the word business".

He grunted something and began to speak into the receiver.

There was no way I was letting Elijah pay for anything here and he knew it. I just wanted to rile him up a little bit.

I must have drifted off to sleep because I'm jostled awake by Elijah kicking my legs which are hanging off the couch. Why does he have to be so violent?

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