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Luke's POV

The sound of locks rattling woke me up. Looking out the open window, I realized the sun was just starting to rise. She'd been out all night. I had come in yesterday to an empty caravan. Another sleepover? I had tried to call her but it kept going to voicemail. Her number was either switched off or out of coverage, and since twinhills was within the coverage area I'm guessing she switched it off.

Why are girls so difficult? Fine, I messed up with that comment about her not being like Olivia. But I was angry and I say hurtful things when I'm angry. That phone conversation she had with that Dagogo got me feeling some kind of way. It felt like she was cheating on me. I know it doesn't make sense because we are not even in a relationship. But if we're sleeping together, I expect some exclusivity even though we never talked about it.

Maybe I'm getting too comfortable with her. Why else would I be trying to make amends? I had sent messages saying I was sorry, which trust me, was not an easy thing for me to do. She didn't reply. I had called but she didn't pick up. And when I came over, she had gone for a sleepover. What more did she want?

I had felt a twinge of worry at some point last night, but I pushed it away. She was just with Violet and some friends having a fun time. So I had sent her another message telling her to call me back, before I fell asleep on her bed.

I roused myself and sat up as she walked into the room. She froze when she saw me.

''Nice sleepover?'' I asked dryly. ''A heads up would have been nice''

Then I noticed she was not wearing sleepwear. She was wearing a gown like she usually did when playing the piano. It was a blue gown that stopped at her knees and clung to her curves. She looked good but also disheveled. She was definitely not at a sleepover. Where the hell was she?

She turned and walked out of the room, completely ignoring me. I followed her to the kitchen.

"Where were you?'' I queried as she rinsed a mug and filled it with water. She took a sip and set it down on the sink.

"out'' she said simply.

There was something off about her. She looked weary, and her shoulders slumped in a dejected way. She had that faraway sad look in her eyes that I had glimpsed so many times before she hid it behind a smile. I didn't want to care so much about her, but I couldn't deny now that I do. I want to know everything about her, why she has those nightmares, why she looks so sad sometimes, who she talks to at night when she thinks I'm asleep, who she spent last night with. The last thought had me clenching my fist in anger.

''where were you?'' I demanded.

''what do you care?'' she said in an emotionless voice.

''I won't have you being with other guys. If you're seeing someone..'' I said curtly.

''But you can have multiple women?" she cut in raising her voice slightly "Oh I forgot, I'm the substitute. The side-piece. I can't complain''

I furrowed my brows. ''What are you even talking about? Who said you're the substitute?''

''You don't have to'' she snapped. ''You have a beautiful relationship with your perfect girlfriend, and then you come sneaking in here in the dark like Oliver twist or something for desert. You come here, get what you want, and then you leave like nothing happened.." she paused and drew in a breath. "what are you even doing with me?''

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