The movie

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Avishek's POV

I looked at Seema and Ruchika laughing and cursed myself for the 100th time. How could I have been so stupid? Yesterday, what Seema said in the car, made me ashamed of myself. Yeah, we aren't the normal couple but still, I should have cleared everything up with Seema. I knew that Seema knew about Ru. She was smart woman. I knew she had figured out the moment she met her. I should have said something. Yeah, we both minded our own business but still, she was my wife and I was her husband and she thought I wanted to get back with Ru.

Have you given her any reason not to think so? My brain said.

And she kept quiet about it.

Since when has she meddled in your business?

But still, she should have at least said something.

You are the one who brought a woman in this house. You should have told her. She deserves that much.

Yeah, I am an idiot.

Yeah, that you are.

"Guys, I was thinking, we should go for a movie this evening." Ru said suddenly.

"Movie?" Seema asked.

"I came here because I was depressed. Because I wanted a change of scenery. But the only scene I have seen is aunt's house and the mall yesterday. Let's do something." She said excited.

I had no problem, but I knew Seema was a homebody. I looked at her to see if she was okay with it. She was not.

"We just went out yesterday" she said resigned.

"Yes, and we are going out today too." Ru said giving her toothy grin.

Seema narrowed her eyes at her.

"Please, please. Come on. I have never seen you go anywhere ever since I came here. I don't know when I am going to go back. It might be next week too, you know. I want to freshen my mood up while I am here." Ru pleaded.

It was my turn to narrow my eyes. Next week?

"Have you talked to your husband?" I ask.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Yes, we talked and talked and talked the whole night the other day. Can we please go to movies?"

"What did he say?" Seema asked.

"Why does it feel like I am talking to my parents?" Ru said looking at both of us.

"He has also gone for travelling. We both are trying to get rid of our negative thoughts so that we can meet again like it's the first time." she huffed.

"That's good. So, there is no more any misunderstanding, right?" I ask.

"Yes, we both know where we are, and why we are doing this." She replied.

"Is that it for the questioning? Now, can we go to movies?" she asked.

"Fine" Seema said throwing her hands up.

"Yes!! We will come to your office and then we can go from there." Ru said, grinning from ear to ear.

I nodded and went to the room to get ready for office.

Seema's POV

As decided, we went to Avishek's office that evening. It was just movies but Ruchika was so damn excited, like she was going to her own wedding. Like last time, we were shown to this office by his assistant. Vikram was also there and they both seemed to be packing up their work.

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