Someone New

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For someone who never carried her phone with her, keeping it with myself all the time was getting annoying. But I did not want to miss his call. For the first time in my life, I slept without him. Granted he was never there with me mentally, but his presence beside me was comforting. Last night when I slept alone, the usually small bed seemed a lot larger. I did not like it at all.

"Seema" I heard. I looked behind to see Vikash hovering in the kitchen door.

"Come in, why are you standing there? Did you need something?" I asked.

"Just wanted to let you know that we were going out. Do you want to join us?" he asked, smiling.

"No, no. You guys go ahead. "I said, wanting to give them some alone time.

"No, please I insist. We are meeting my friend. You should come with us." he insisted just as Ru came.

"I told you she is going to say no." she said, taking a water bottle out of the fridge.

"Please, Seema. You will be alone here anyway. You should come with us; it will be fun." Vikash said again.

"Okay" I said, after hesitating for few minutes. 

I did not want to be alone. And they are meeting their friend anyway, I would not be intruding in their alone time.

"Hey, that's not fair. I had to plead you so much whenever we went out, but you agreed so easily with him." Ru said, looking offended.

"Such a drama queen she is" Vikash said, and I laughed.

"Let me change" I said and went to my room.

His friend, for a lack of better word was interesting. But he was funny. I don't think I've ever laughed this much in my entire life than I have in the past few hours.

"So, Seema, tell me about yourself." I heard Sagun, Vikash's friend ask.

Both Ru and Vikash had gone to get us ice-cream and only we were there.

"Um, nothing interesting really." I say, feeling all sorts of awkward.

"Somehow, I don't think that's the case at all." he said, smiling.

Just then both Ru and Vikash came back, and we all had ice cream. We spent our entire day with Sagun. He was a really funny guy, which is why when Ru suggested we go home, I was shocked to see the time. We had spent entire day with him, and it didn't even feel like that.

He offered to drop us home and insisted when we declined.

"Okay, man, don't be a stranger now." He said, just as we were about to reach home.

"You know I won't." Vikash said, "besides, we met after such long time, I'm going to annoy you everyday now."

"Sure, sure" Sagun laughed.

We reached the house, and both Ru and Vikash bid him goodbye.

"Thank you for dropping us home." I said, politely.

"No problem at all. It was my pleasure." He said, smiling.

"It was nice to meet you." I said, turning to go back home.

"It was nice to meet you as well." he said, extending a hand.

I hesitantly shook his hand, as I had never done this kind of thing before.

I had just entered the living room when Ru said, "I'm so tired."

"Me too. Do you guys want to eat anything?" I asked, hoping they'd say no.

"Seema, please don't do that. Don't always put someone else's comfort before your own. I know you're tired, you know you're tired. Think about yourself too." Ru said, looking at me in all seriousness.

I nodded my head, having nothing to say.

She sighed but bid goodnight and went to the room.

I looked at Vikash to see him looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." he said, wished goodnight and went to the room.

I shook of the feeling and went to my room. I had just changed when my phone rang. My heart jumped when I saw Abhishek's name.

"Hello" I said.

"Hi" he said.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good. How are you?" he asked.

God, this was so awkward. Was he feeling as awkward as me?

"God, this is so awkward." He chuckled.

I laughed as well, nodding at him.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Oh, I just changed to get in the bed." I said, getting on the bed.

"So fast? Did you guys eat?" he asked, concerned.

"Yes, we went out today. We went to meet Vikash's friend." I said, smiling at his concern.

"Vikash's friend?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes, they were going to meet him and asked me to tag along." I said, making myself comfortable.

"Oh. Did you have fun?" he asked.

"Yes, he was really funny. I don't think I've ever laughed that much" I said, laughing.

"Oh, is he?" he asked.

"Yeah, he should be a comedian. He would be really rich." I said, and it was true.

"Uh-huh." He said and kept quiet.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, hesitantly. 

He was not the kind of person to be quiet.

"No, nothing's wrong. Just tired." he said, yawning.

"You should go to sleep. We can talk tomorrow." I said, worried.

"No, no, it's fine. I can talk." He said, yawning again.

"You sound really tired. You should go to sleep." I insisted.

He hummed. He kept quiet for a long time and just when I thought he fell asleep, he spoke, "I miss you."

The smile on my face was ridiculous. I was too shy to speak anything.

"Seema" he prompted.

"hmm" I said.

He laughed and said, "Goodnight".

"Goodnight" I said, unable to keep the smile off my face.

We both didn't speak for some time and then he cut the call.

I was afraid I had the same ridiculous smile on my face the whole night.

I'm back you guys. How was your week? I'm so glad today is Friday. I desperately need a break.

Anyway, what do you think? Someone new is coming. Do you like it?

But that's all for today. Please vote and leave a comment if you liked the chapter. 

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