{EXTRA CHAPTER} Nicknames some peeps have given me.

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I'm writing this on my computer and let me tell you, this is confusing af.

Btw this chapter only exists bc part 2 is taking very long.


Harry: He doesn't even say my name, he just says ''ey you!''

Ron: Annoying food stealer (he describes me like that to others, and sometimes he also calls me that when he's annoyed.)

Hermione: Just by my name😭

Fred and George: Lucius his affair. Fuck them

Draco: ''L'' because I'm in his eyes a loser and the first letter of my name is ''L''.

Pansy: WAP, she doesn't know what it means, she only calls me that because I always ask people if they have ever got some WAP.

Luna: By my name.. :(

Blaise: He calls me Agent L.L (my first name + Lestrange)..

Severus: Miss Lestrange. BORING

Cedric + The Hufflepuffs: ''Our performer''


Ai ai, y'all ready for the last 1? Because I'm not.


Lucius: I can't say this- Ok. No. Yes. No. Yes. ''M 

Okay maybe not!

''My slut''

don't ask me why he calls me that, he sounds like a horny teenager but ok. it's hot af and i can't handle it when he gives me names like that, like i will literally just go crazy. holy guacamole this is embarrassing, why am i even sharing how and why- i can't help it! HE'S HOT AF HE CAN LITERALLY MURDER MY WHOLE FAMILY AND I WOULD APOLOGISE+GO TO AZKABAN FOR HIM!!! and tbh he knows that. yes he does. idk why and how. i would love to know tho, i love that man. holy fuck why am i still sharing all my feelings?!?! 

ok I shouldn't have done that

I regret that

That's not good

That was so stupid

Why did I just say that

Oh I know y'all are gonna call me Hagrid so don't even try to comment it.

SHIFTING ~ STORIES+TIPSOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz