{Chapter 51} Shifting facts

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{1} It's REAL.
Some people have tried to tell me that it's fake and that you would just have a lucid dream, which is ofc totally not true.
You're in another fucking reality like bitch, watcha mean "lucid dreaming"?


{2} Everyone in your reality is real.
They have feelings, desires, etc.


{3} Shifting is not hard.
Yes I know that it can take months, I read all of your lovely comments.
I know that it's annoying, I understand!
It's not hard, I promise you.
(I'm not saying that it's easy either)


{4} Shifting is not dangerous.
I don't really know how to explain this, but it's not dangerous.
Maybe try to Google it if you don't fully trust me tho!


{5} Yes you can taste the food and drinks.


{6} "Bruises" from your desired reality won't affect you in your current reality.


{7} Your "clone" is you, so no they won't do weirdass shit.


{8} If you shift to hogwarts, yes lucius is hot af. (fact)
And his hands are too. (another fact)


I apologize.
Part 2 is taking too long, I'm so sorry 😭
I also don't have any motivation rn, I just want to shift and never return

SHIFTING ~ STORIES+TIPSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang