Chapter 17

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"You grew up in a slave market, you had a friend there." This Julius looked at me with a strange warmness. It was confusing, really confusing...

"You used to comfort them by making them focus on your freckles." He continued. I immediately stiffened. I shot him a glare.

"How do you know that?" I glared. I was shaking. I could feel myself shaking. I...I felt scared...or nervous...

"It was me!" He looked to the ground.

"I...I escaped, but you couldn't. If only I was stronger..." He clenched his fist. Seeing him so passionate softened me a little, but I still couldn't help feeling offended. How dare this man mention my friend to me.

The Princess and Rowan had left. I know they did. It was probably for the best.

My mind drifted to the people who held me...

My thoughts were caught off again by Julius, "Penny, please...I can tell you're thinking. Please talk to me. I want to hear what you're thinking." I looked up at him. My gears in my head were still running. I'm...I'm conflicted.

"Please," He pleads again, "Even if they are just mundane...I want to hear you talk. I want to hear all your thoughts. Just talk to me, that would be enough." He begged. My heart felt so much pain right now, he looks so pitiful.

I gently set my hand on his much larger one.

"'s impossible..." I sighed with a sad smile. I shook my head and stopped with my dark thoughts.

"What do you mean?" He asks. I look to him again. He is good looking...tan skin, dark hair and bright eyes eyes.

Realizing what I was thinking, I quickly shook my head.

"For friend was a little girl." I said matter of factly.

"W-what?! I wasn't a girl!" He blurts. His eyes are wide and his face is slightly flushed.

"Well of course you aren't." I nod. He looks nothing like a female at all. "You don't have the beauty to be a girl." I nodded again before overthinking my words.

"I-I mean, I'm not saying you aren't good looking. You are, you are definitely good looking. You are too tall though and your shoulders are too broad. A-ah nothing against girls who are really tall with broad shoulders though! You are also very muscular and your body in general is not feminine. Not that i've been paying attention to your body!" I waved my hands around as I rambled. I couldn't seem to stop until Julius put a hand over my mouth.

"Please stop..." he muttered. I thought he was offended until I saw his face. His eyes were averted and his other hand covered his mouth. The tips of his ears were red.

"You think I'm good looking?" He asks, suddenly perking up.

What...what?! That's the only thing he got from my rambling?

I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose, "Secondly, she died." I sighed. My eyes felt watery again. Even after all these still gets to me.

"You do bare a resemblance to both have dark hair and tan skin and bright eyes, but..." I shook my head.

"Dead?" He asked.

I nodded, "Not long after she escaped a body was brought to me. The body was relatively the same size, but looked nothing like her."

"So it wasn't her, she wasn't dead!" He blurts again. I shake my head solemnly. I motion for him to be patient. He obliges and leans back again.

"T-the body, it was horrible. Parts were many parts. The body was charred. They had tortured her and burned her alive." I gulped and suddenly felt the tears I had been holding back this whole time threaten to fall.

I felt the hesitation but Julius moved closer and wrapped me in his strong arms.

"Only continue if you want to..." He mumbled, setting his chin on the top of my head.

I gulped, the show must go on, "They told me they found her near a nearby camp. She didn't make it far and was captured once again. I wish they would've just killed her when they found her..." I set my forehead against his chest.

"Why?" He asked gently as he caressed my head.

"It would have been quick, she wouldn't of had to go through the pain of the torture...I deserved what I got because she had it worse. I was used to it, she wasn't. She was younger than me. She was so adorable. I knew she looked up to me, yet I failed her in the end..." Oh no, the tears are here.

"You didn't fail me." He sighed.

"You. aren't. her." I felt myself cry out. Tears ran down my face. I'm glad the Princess isn't here. I pounded my palms against his chest and he took it.

After a while I finally calmed down. Julius still continued to rub my back gently.

"Tell me Julius...tell me something only she would know..." I spat out, I felt mentally drained.

He hesitated and for a moment I felt triumphant, "When I was first put in a cell with you...I was quiet. I would draw on the wall with a piece of chalk in the corner. It was always the same thing, three stick figures. One was my mom, the other was my dad and the small one was me. Eventually I erased myself from the drawing and only drew my parents, and then...nothing at all..." I tried to replay my memory in search of an error but couldn't find anything.

I opened my mouth to speak but Julius quieted me by indicating he wasn't done.

"The night I stopped drawing you asked me why. I told you to mind your own business. You gave me the saddest smile and moved to sit next to me. You pointed out the cell bars to the stars. You told me, 'See those stars? They form a constellation. It's difficult to see but if you connect them they form a shape.' After that I turned to you and pointed to your freckles. I told you that you have constellations all over your face and you gave me the sweetest smile." He finished.

I was in utter shock. I laughed a little, then I coughed. And then I felt water run down my face.

"W-why?" I asked myself as I wiped my tears. Why am I crying? These are happy tears right?

Julius pulled me against him again. His chin on my head and my face against his shoulder. One of his arms are wrapped around my waist and the other around my back with his hand caressing my head.

"Do you believe me now?" He asks hopefully.

"I-I want to believe you..." I nod against his shoulder. I didn't notice he had been holding out until he let a sigh of relief. His posture relaxed and he tightened his grip on me.

In response I slowly and hesitantly wrapped my arms around him as well.

After a while a thought popped into my head and in shock I pushed him away.

"Penny? What's wrong?" He questioned, concern laced in his voice.

"W-who's body was that then..."

Hey everyone, sorry this update doesn't mean I'm back for good.

To explain, I just suddenly felt a surge of inspiration and needed to write, so I did.

It has been a while so if anything in this chapter doesn't correspond with the previous please let me know.

In the meantime I have some questions for those still following along with this book.

How was your new years?
Mine personally was ok.

So far in the story who is your favorite character?

Who is your favorite ship/couple?


Who is your favorite love interest?

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