Chapter 7

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We all got out and separated from my dad. We got to this large room filled with tables of snobby people ranging from snobby kids to snobbier kids. The snobby teens were in a different room. The room had multiple circular tables with vases of flowers. Along with the flowers, the tables were decorated with saucers and teacups. In the middle of the room was a long table filled with sweets. I was practically drooling at the sight, but I can't get too distracted.

After a while Victoria leaves to use the bathroom. She actually does use the bathroom and then gets 'lost.' Her version of lost as in knowing exactly where Hunter is. So she stumbles upon him and yeah. The beautiful scene. I can't miss it.

"Sabrina you're finally here!" Leo beamed running up to us. "Oh, and you two!" He smiled.

"Hello Leo!" Victoria beams, hugging him. He stiffens his spine and his face contorts for a second before patting her on the head.

He hates being touched by most people. After her threatens to kill Victoria she hugs him. To his own surprise, he didn't mind and ended up breaking down.

"Um yeah, hello." He mumbles, pulling away from her.

"Gosh she just hugged him." Someone scoffed.

"Yeah and I heard he was betrothed." Someone else murmured.

"How disappointing, I guess she wasn't raised right." Someone sighed.

Blaine should've stuck up for her already, but he hasn't. Eventually after the onslaught of insults I sigh, knowing what I need to do.

"Hey no need to get upset, she is my sister." I smiled, swallowing my pride and speaking up.

"Her eyes are really pretty- wait she pretty much just said she was the one engaged to Prince Leo!" A girl gasped. Oh. My. I just exposed my engagement to Leo! There hasn't even been an engagement ceremony yet.


I laid my head down on the awkwardly silent table. Everyone else has moved on from what just happened but I think us four are still processing what happened.

"Um so did you just-" Blaine started to ask. I raised a hand to him and grumbled.

"announce our engagement?" Leo finished.

"I- uh- ugh. I did. How stupid am I?!" I grumbled banging my head on the table.

"I- I felt happy to be called your sister!" Victoria finally said. She didn't mean it. You could hear it.

"Thank you so much for sticking up for me." She said again. She didn't mean that either.

"I felt happy to be called your fiancé." Leo mumbled, almost shyly. I don't know if he meant that or not but either way I got embarrassed.

"Haha yeah...." I smiled awkwardly, "Please excuse me." I said, standing up quickly. I rushed out of the room my face still feeling hot. Bathroom, I can cool down in the bathroom.


I hunched over the sink. Gosh, why am I so stupid? How could I do that? Please tell me I didn't mess everything up too much.

I eventually cooled down enough to walk out of the bathroom. I then made my way back to the room. Wait this isn't the room. This isn't the room either.

"Am I seriously lost?" I grumble standing still. I continued to walk the halls absent minded before getting a familiar feeling. The smell? It smelt familiar? Like- a music room? Wait- why do I know what a music room smells like?

Suddenly a few memories flooded my mind. I played the harp. I spent my time in a music room constantly, so of course I'd recognize a familiar scent.

I guess I followed the scent because I found myself at the door to the room. What if Victoria and Hunter are already there? All my stressed immediately disappeared. I peeked my head around the door and peered into the room.

No one...they aren't here yet, that means I'm too early! I prepared myself to make a dash for it before I felt someone else's presence.

"What are you doing here?" I turned quickly to be met with sky blue eyes.

"I-I smelt music." I stuttered. Oh my gosh! Did I just say 'I smelt music.' Who says that?

"I-I mean I smelt a music room! They have a very familiar smell! I guess I found myself wandering here when I got lost after using the bathroom after I accidentally announced my engagement to my fiancé in front of everyone-" I blanked as you can tell by my rambling.

"Amazing." He suddenly said grabbing both of my hands. His expression was normal and cold but his blue eyes were twinkling.

"What?" I ask shocked.

"I thought I was the only one who knew the smell of a music room." He said again, still holding onto my hands.

"Uh haha yeah I should probably-"

"What instrument or instruments do you play?" He asks cutting me off.

"Um the harp but I should g-"

"The harp. That's impressive. Show me." He cut off again.

"Um I should probably g-"

"I said show me." He pouted. Oh my, that is so adorable!

I guess I was persuaded because here I am sitting at the smaller harp because my arms are too short to reach around the larger one. I didn't even know where to start as I plucked a string. As I did that though, it felt as if I had done it my whole life. Which I guess I did.

I found myself shutting my eyes and becoming entranced in the music as my hands glided over the strings, plucking them. It was a powerful feeling. I felt as if nothing could stop me. Then I opened my eyes and remembered where I was. I shouldn't be here.

As I widened my eyes, the window suddenly burst open and wind blew my hair everywhere. Flower petals came in right after, ambushing my face. I flinched at how many flower petals there were. When it was over I picked some petals out of my hair and widened my eyes. This isn't supposed to happen at this time. It's the wrong window too. Hunter is supposed to be playing the piano and the petals should be stuck in Victoria's hair, but no they are in my hair as I am playing the harp.

I look up quickly to see Hunter still seated at the piano bench with his mouth agape.

What have I done?

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