Chapter 170 ~ Invaders of the Holy Capital

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AN: Uploading this from my phone since my wifi's down... Seriously, this ISP has the worst service center. Gotta pay premium for calls, which they'd hold for what seemed to be years and doesn't even solve the problem. Hah....

Well, that said, here's to a better week for me and you! Hope you guys enjoy this chapter~!!!!

“I see. I’m happy that you’re doing this for me, but remember to be careful, okay?”

“Darling… I think I should go as well. Even though Vincent and Victoria are coming, I’ll still feel more assured if we go together. I’m sure Vy and Lily feel the same way as well.”

“Thank you, Freya. But for now, it will be better for you to stay here. Don’t worry, If I need your help, I will make sure to call you.”

Leon pulled her into his embrace and stroked her head gently.

“... Promise?”

“Yes, I promise.”

“...Okay I will tell the other girls about this and tell them not to mention this to Jeanne and Euphie. If you need any help, remember to call us okay? We’ll be prepared for battle anytime.”


“Hehehe~ You don’t need to worry that much, Freya~ We can just watch him from here in real-time, you know~?”

The demon lord of lust giggled carefreely. She truly had no worries. After all, she knew that Leon would be able to handle the situation even if there were twice the number of high orcs and corrupted high orc kings. Well, that is if he’s willing to use his divinity. Even though he has only learned the basics, he could already integrate his divinity to his physical strength and spells, making them much, much more powerful. 

That is why, if he only had to go against that number of high-orcs and 1 corrupted high orc king, Lilith truly believed that he wouldn’t be in any kind of danger. Moreover, he will also be fighting along with two other interesting humans. There was no reason for worry.

More than that, she was very excited to see Leon fighting. Just imagining his expression in battle and his wonderful figure while casting spells could already make her feel hot all over.

Leon let out a small smile to Lilith. He then kissed Freya on her head and have her look at him. 

“Thank you, Freya. Oh, could you also inform Aria, Iris, and their family about this as well? This may be a good chance for Arcland and Bestia to form a friendly relationship with the Holy Country.”

“Of course.”

“Thank you. Then, I'll be going.”

After kissing his lover on the lips, Leon exited the room and returned to the living room where Gilbert, Alex, and Rafael were. 

Right after Leon left, the holy knight captain had contacted his subdorindates through the carrier pigeon and told them to come to Misteltein’s mansion immediately. At this time, they should be close. 

As he was waiting for Leon to return and his subordinates to arrive, Gilbert had some time to calm himself down and properly process Leon’s words.

Leon told him that he’ll be helping them defend the Holy Country along with someone he contacted through what seemed to be a communication spell, most like a long-distant one, he never seen before. That much he could understand now that he had time to think properly. However, what he still failed to comprehend was why Leon wanted the rest of the holy knights and paladins to comere here as well and how his ally could join up with them. 

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