Chapter 247 ~ Start of Raid

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Equipped in their full battle gear, everyone of Crimson Lightning, including Irene and Laura, teleported via Leon's [Gate] to the foyer of the castle of eternal ice, Acresia, to gather and have a final briefing with Drakon.

Lilith, Vivian, Aura, Sonya, and Bellona were also in their demon lord outfits, the outfits they wore when they first met Leon. Similarly, Celestine was also wearing her celestial dress that she wore when she descended into the world to meet her son as she held the two Celestial Foxes in her arms.

Upon arrival, they all headed up the curved stairway leading to the second floor and began making their way to the conference room. The walk there was once an extremely exhausting journey for Lily, Mia, and Rafael. But now, they didn't seem bothered at all, a testament to their improved physical prowess.

Soon, they arrived before the familiar pair of vast, obsidian double doors with intricate and ornate golden decorations and highlights as well as golden carvings of a golden sun surrounded by seven moons.

Lilith pushed open the heavy, gigantic double doors, and revealed the familiar, yet still grand interior of the main conference room in the castle of eternal ice.

Seven tall and black pillars, each with a different pattern of golden decor and highlights, stood strongly along the circumference of the room. Large multi-colored chandeliers hung down the space between the pillars and the dark colored wall, brightening the supposed dark space, and one gigantic golden chandelier hung down at the center of the vast room from the tall, tall dome-shaped ceiling. A brightly shining sun painted beautifully upon it.

Right below it was an enormous round table of marble surrounded by 19 marbled chairs, or rather, thrones that seemed to be attached to the marble floor.

Sitting on one of them was Drakon, who immediately stood up and headed towards the group, welcoming them.

"Welcome, Goddess Celestine and everyone."

The Demon Lord of Pride bowed fully towards the Goddess, who responded with a beautiful, wide smile and a nod of the head.

He then swept his gaze across Leon and the others before raising his hand out towards Leon for a handshake.

"Thank you, Drakon. I'm sorry if we're late. I hope you did not wait long."

Leon took his hand and shook it before Drakon shook his head.

"Perish the thought, Leon. You came right in time. Please, take a seat."

Before Drakon even gestured his hand towards the seats, Aura, Sonya, Lilith, and Bellona had already made their way to their seats, followed by Vivian who was looking unsurely between Drakon and the rest of her sisters for a moment.

Drakon snorted quietly with a small smile before he walked side by side with Leon, followed by the rest of Crimson Lightning and the Goddess.

After everyone had sat, Drakon began by briefing everyone the overall plan and timeline of this expedition. As Leon had told Aria, the expected timeline would be one week or seven days starting from tomorrow, given there are no troubles that occurred during.

They reviewed the routes they would take, the types of monsters that they would encounter, and detailed information of the strengths and weaknesses of the floor bosses they would need to defeat to descend to the next floor.

Drakon also confirmed with Leon, the Goddess, and the rest of the demon lords of their plan after they reached the deepest floor of the dungeon. The Goddess will not be able to come with them, but Leon will establish a telepathic connection with her during the resealing process so his mother could help him.

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