c h a p t e r 1

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Everyone has that special something or someone who makes them feel free, all of there problems just slipping away. Feeling the moment you're in and that moment only. That's what I feel when I'm on the ice.


Willows POV

I'm flicking through Netflix looking for something for me and Chloe to watch. "How about a chick flick?" I ask as my eyes remain on the tv.

"We've literally seen all the chick flicks there are. Is there anything else we can watch?" Chloe says while filing her nails next to me, while also gazing up at the screen.

Chloe has been my best friend since kindergarten, we bonded over our love of winning. She's the blonde and I'm the brunette.

"Horror?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure. You know we love our horrors" Chloe adds. It's true, we both love horrors.

We decided to put on hush. A film on Netflix about a deaf girl with a psychotic ex-boyfriend who tries to murder her.

Half way through the film we put it on pause and made our way into the kitchen. Nobody's home this evening, just me and Chloe. My brother had a hockey game and my dad's the coach, meaning that he had to be there too.

We saw a video of a girl putting yogurt on her face, it's meant to be really good for your skin. So, that's what we are doing. "I'm exited to see what this does to our faces", Chloe says while smearing it onto her face.

"Me too! I'm hoping it gives me like a natural glow. I doubt it will get rid of my acne but a girl can dream", I add the rest of my yogurt onto my face a put the tub into the bin.

We both start laughing at each other's faces when suddenly we are interrupted by a loud bang outside. We both quickly turn our heads to the front door "What was that?", Chloe asks nervously.

"I don't know. It's probably just next doors cat", I say until we hear another bang repeat from outside. "Yep, that's definitely the cat" Chloe says sarcastically.

"Maybe you're right" I say while grabbing a kitchen knife and walking closer to the door to get a better look.

"Are you fucking crazy!?. If we were in a horror movie you would die first. Who walks towards the noise?", Chloe whispers while remaining in the kitchen.

"I have protection", I point to my knife and just before I reach the front door, it quickly swings open.

"AHHHHH" me and Chloe scream in sync.

"AUSTIN!. Are you trying to give me a fucking heart attack" I scream as my brother walks through the door. Followed by another hockey player, then another, then another "woah, what's going on?. You're not having a party tonight", I say as the hockey boys pile into our small home.

"Okay first of all, put down the knife" Austin says while taking the knife away from me and put it onto the counter "secondly, it's just a few of the boys over to celebrate our win. Thirdly, what's on your face?", he asks

My brother is a year older than me, he's in his first year of college and he's the captain of the local Hockey team.

"It's yogurt!" Chloe shouts from behind me. Austin nods confused.

My dad walks in behind the boys with hockey bags. "Dad, are you seriously letting them all stay here tonight?" I ask him

"Yes Honey, they won their game so they're here to celebrate. I know you have your competition tomorrow but this is important. You could at least congratulate your brother", he says while putting the bags into his equipment closet.

I roll my eyes and walk back towards the kitchen.

We don't make a lot of money meaning that our house is small. My dads a single parent, he's a part time hockey coach and part time Sports shop assistant. Our downstairs is all open plan. Our kitchen is practically in our living room.

"Hey Simon", Chloe says to my dad, he's like a second dad to her. "Hey Chlo" my dad replies.

"Come on, lets get back to our film", I say while grabbing chloe's arm and guiding her from the counter.

"Awww is someone mad that they aren't gonna get their Beauty sleep" Austin says while ruffling my hair. I harshly remove his hand push him away from me making him tumble backwards, smacking into the wall. Which gains a few "oooo"'s and laughs from the team.

"Stop it!" My dad shouts.

Me and Chloe make our way back into my bedroom and finish our movie in there. We blocked out the music coming from the living room.

Once the movie ended I needed to go to the bathroom. I got off my bed and opened my bedroom door. I made my way down the corridor and just before I turned the corner I collided with something hard.

It sent me flying backwards. Just before I fell to the ground, arms grabbed me and pulled me upright. I look up and see someone in a hockey jersey. I've never seen him before.

"Who are you?" I asked confused.

"Who are you?" He asks back, repeating what I had asked.

"I asked you first", I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for an answer.

"I'm Gabe. I'm on the hockey team", he says while pointing to his jersey. "Who are you?" He asks again.

"I'm Willow, Austin's sister. I've never seen you before. You must be new", I ask.

"Yep, just moved. You dance on ice right?", he seems cocky. I don't like it.

"You run on ice, right?" I say sarcastically.

"I'm just playing, I know you figure skate", he says while taking another swig of his beer.

"And how do you know that?" I ask

"Coach talks about you a lot", he says.

"Really?" I question. I'm surprised. My dads more focused on my brothers hockey career to be involved in what I do. My dad taught me and my brother how to skate. But my mom taught me how to figure skate.

"Yeah, he always goes on about how you practice all the time and have a high work ethic. He says if his teenage daughter can do it so can we", Gabe says

"Oh that's encouraging", I say say sarcastically. "Why were you lurking around my house anyway?" I ask

"I was trying to find the bathroom", he says.

"Well it's right there" I say while pointing to the bathroom door.

"Thanks" he walks into the bathroom and locks the door behind him.

He knows how to make a good first impression. Not

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