c h a p t e r 1 1

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"Willow Lopez" I hear from the speaker

I look up from the ice in confusion, did it just say my name.

The audience applauds and I take a deep breath in to grasp the concept that I just one.

"Congratulations, everybody give it up for our winner Mrs Willow Lopez"

I hear my dad and brother screaming from the sidelines and I look over. Gabe's standing there smiling at me, he looks happy for me.

Once I'm given the trophy and a sash around my neck I head off the ice with the other contestants.

I get congratulated by the three of them again. Then I hear a scream from behind me.

I turn around and see Chloe and Timothy behind me. They both give me a hug and congratulated me as well. "I knew you would win" Chloe says

"Well done Will" Tim adds

"Willow?" I hear from beside me.

I turn around and see the one an only Rebecca Pritchard.

"Mrs Pritchard, it's so nice to see you again" I say while smiling

"Please call me Rebecca, that was good" she says

"Thankyou, Rebecca" I say

"I would like to offer you a full term scholarship to Remington university if you would like to accept" she says

I stand there with my mouth open in shock. I new if I won then there would be a huge chance of me getting one but I didn't think she would just offer it to me straight away.

"Obviously you might want to talk to your dad first about the sc-"

"I'll take it" I interior eagerly

There's a sea of giggles around me followed by a sweet laugh from Rebecca "okay, I'll stay in touch and send more details to you by mail. I guess I'll see you next term then willow" she smiles and walks away.

I watch her walk away then turn back to my family. They all burst out laughing.

"What?" I ask

"That was a little eager wasn't it?" My dad says


Now I'm in the changing rooms after getting out of my costume.

"Hey can I talk to you for a minute?" I hear from behind me

I look over and see Gabe standing there.

"Sure" I reply

"Do you wanna maybe go outside, get some fresh air aswell" he says. I nod and we walk out of the doors.

The fresh air in the dimly lit car park hit my face. It moves blows my hair and I breath in.

"I like you Willow" Gabe says from beside me. Which caught me off guard.

"I like you too" I reply with a smile

"I've come to realised that I need you in my life, I want you in my life. And not just for one night or one dance" he says while place both of his hand on either side of my face.

I smile "I want you too"

He crashes his lips down onto mine, and I feel free. I feel like I do on the ICE.

I feel complete.

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