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• Flashback: Catherine Ariendra 12 years old

  CATHERINE was lounging on the train along with Gabby and Hannah. They were on their third round of Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Bean and so far Catherine has been extremely lucky in getting chocolate and raspberry flavours. Gabby not so much.

  "I swear if this is another ear wax flavour I'm going to flip!" Gabby announced before putting a teal coloured one in her mouth. A few seconds passed and she immediately spit it back out. "Ewww! That was a rotten egg!"

  Catherine and Hannah laughed at her attempt to wash out the flavour by chugging on her apple juice box. They were on their way back home for christmas, and Catherine was so excited to be back home. She loved Hogwarts, but she missed her home even more. Mama had promised to take her to the annual christmas carnival in London and from there they were going to see the animal show. If Papa made it back for the holidays, he would certainly tag along. She also can't wait to tell them that she tried out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team and really wanted to become a chaser next year.

  "Your turn again Hannah." Gabby shoved the box to her. Hannah reluctantly put her hand into the box, picking up a brown coloured bean. She chewed on it for a while before smiling.

  "I got chocolate." Sneering towards Gabby tilted her head back and groaned.

  After they finished the whole box of flavour beans, with Catherine winning the game by only getting 1 foul booger flavour, they relaxed and looked out the window. White snow covered the trees and mountains, it was almost magical to Catherine. Hannah and Gabby fell asleep not so long after, so Catherine draped a blanket over their shoulders.

  She ventured out for more food, buying a box of chocolate frogs and the trolley witch was kind enough to save her the last piece of mini shepherd's pie quiches. Her love of food made it her first top priority to befriend Mrs. Merry.

  "Thank you so much Mrs. Merry!" She exclaimed as she handed her galleons.

  "Anything for you sweet child." She replied.

  Saving the pie for last, she devoured the chocolate as she reached back to her seat, when suddenly the door to their compartment was yanked open by a boy.

  Catherine was glad enough he didn't wake up Hannah and Gabby. When she looked at him, she stopped chewing. There was no one on this train that does not recognise Draco Malfoy. His hair, neatly oiled back and his annoying stance in your way. But even Gabby agreed that he was nice to look at and kinda cute.

  "Sorry. Wrong compartment." He muttered arrogantly. Looking down at Catherine's chocolate smeared lips in disgust.

  Catherine stayed silent, just like she always does this whole semester. Specifically in potions class sitting next to him. Frankly, she feels intimidated by his general presence, but she refuses to let him get the pleasure of seeing her fear. So she simply nodded and resumed eating, knowing his ignorance is surely bliss.

  Much to Catherine's despair he didn't leave but he continued to stare at her, well more accurately to the packet of pie to her left.

  "Is that?... Is that a mini shepherd's pie??" He sounded surprised and pointed to it in disbelief. "How did you get it? They were limited and they were always out!"

  Catherine shushed him, gesturing to her sleeping friends, earning an annoying eye roll from him. She debated what she's going to do next, she really just wanted him to leave her alone. At the last minute before Malfoy was ready to leave, she made a move to take the pie and handed it to him.

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