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and Theo waited outside Potter's office. The couch creaked as he moved to find a good position to sit. Apparently Potter was fit enough to return to work and it killed him inside that he was now Draco's boss. They had an appointment with him regarding the piece of information they found in parseltongue. He told them that he needed a few days to decipher everything so here they were.

  "You got any?" Draco asked him. He was feeling unsure of himself today, he was scared that the letter would turn out completely useless. He felt that the answer to all of this mess was right within reach but yet so far to comprehend.

  "Love? I gave them all to you honey." Theo joked. Leave it to him to break the tension.

  Draco smacked the back of Theo's head, his messy hair now lopsided. "Do you have anything to drink, you idiot."

  "I thought you would never ask." Theo reached out to take a flask from his tux pocket. "It's your booze by the way, I stole some. So have at it."

  Draco already knew it was his in the first place. He tilted his head back to savour the strong bitter taste, hoping it would calm his nerves.

  "So how was it?" Theo asked him, "I expected you to be more... I don't know, relax?"

  "What the hell are you talking about?" Draco looked at him confused. It didn't help that Potter's assistant kept looking over at them like they were lions that escaped the zoo. She didn't know if she should run or take a picture.

  "Are you telling me that you and Ariendra sneaked out of the Ministry meeting, together, and nothing happened?" Theo asked, genuinely disappointed.

  "What was supposed to happen?" Draco asked back.

  "Tell me at least you kissed her already. The sexual tension between the two of you is thick."

  At Theo's words, Potter's assistant raised her eyebrows, while focusing on the work infront of her. Draco smacked his head again, harder this time making Theo wince. "Shut the fuck up."

  Theo whistled. "I've known you my whole life Draco Malfoy, never thought the day would come when you would actually care about someone. Let alone a woman."

  "What is that supposed to mean??"

  "Nothing..." Theo crossed his arms and leaned back on the couch. "Just let me know when you finally have the balls to confess. Or let me know when you chicken out. Blaise and I are ready to roast you for it."

  Draco was ready to punch him in the face real hard. Theo already suspected him and hid his face behind his hands but Potter's office door swung open revealing another one of his secretary.

  "Mr. Potter is ready for you." She told them, her heels clicking through the floor as she walked away.

  "Oh Thank God." Theo whispered. "I thought I was going to die."

  "You say stuff about her one more time. I'll make sure you're dead." Draco threatened him and Theo fucking smiled.

  "The way you get all cavemen about her. It's surprisingly cute." Theo commented but Draco ignored him, already making his way inside the office.

  Harry was sitting on his usual chair, mountains of papers were sprawled across his desk even down to the floor. His tux was draped across the chair, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up.

  "Busy day boss?" Theo mocked.

  "You have no idea." He told them, "Sorry to keep you waiting, have a seat."

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