Chapter Five

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An angry looking Crystal comes storming my way. I can do one of two things. I can talk to her and explain why I haven't contacted her all weekend, or I can run away like a pussy.

I decide on the second option.

Luck is not with me today because she reaches me before I get a chance to run. "Oh, hey Crystal, I didn't see you coming."

"Why have you been dodging my calls?" She asks, getting into detective mode.

"I haven't been dodging your calls, that's ridiculous," I lie. Truth is I haven't been answering anyone's calls. I was focusing my attention on Skylar and what to do with her.

"That's a lie and we both know it. Did something happen when you went to see Trinity?" She asks, not accusingly, but she's definitely suggesting something.

"Nothing happened," I say with an eye roll. I am not a cheater.

"You know you can tell me if something happened. I will understand. Not promising I won't be mad, but I'll hear you out." She bites her lip, waiting for my answer.

"Nothing happened Crystal, I promise. We just talked about Skylar," I promise her, and seal it with a kiss.

She sighs in relief. "Thank God. All weekend these scenarios have been playing in my head, and they were not good."

"Babe, I'd never cheat on you. Trinity's no threat." Resurfacing memories has caused some slight feelings, but I push those aside. Trinity's a flight risk. She always has been and she always will be.


"Shh," Trinity says, tiptoeing towards the kitchen.

"Sorry," I whisper and try to make less noise with my feet.

It was her idea to raid the kitchen for stuff to make s'mores. I have no idea why I agreed, if we get caught we can get into so much trouble.

Trinity opens the back door to the kitchen and peeks in. She looks back at me and says, "all clear."

I follow her into the kitchen. I've never been back here because campers aren't allowed back in the kitchen, but Trinity seems to know where she's going.

"How do you know where they are?" I ask her when she goes to a cabinet and pulls out some marshmallows.

She shrugs. "This isn't my first time raiding the kitchen." She has been going here since she was twelve, so I firmly believe she's not lying.

She hands me the chocolate and graham crackers and leads me back out of the kitchen. As we're walking back to our cabins I see a flashlight in the distance. I touch Trinity's arm and point. She grabs my hand and pulls me behind a bush with a giggle. When she wont stop giggling I put a hand over her mouth. Footsteps sound right beside us and I hold my breath. I really don't want to get caught and have to explain to my mom why I got kicked out of lacrosse camp.

After the footsteps retreat, I let out a breath and release my hand from Trinity's mouth. "You're crazy," I whisper to her.

She pulls me out of the bush and leans up to kiss me. "That's why you love me."

I grab her hips and bring her forward. I graze my lips against hers and mumble, "of course." I love her carefree spirit, even if it does get us into trouble sometimes.

Before our lips get a chance to touch, Trinity's pulling me with her when she sees another light.


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