Chapter 28

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After our breakfast, we all decided we would watch a few movies considering our new home was in the middle of butt fuck nowhere. Those are my select words, but Stephan calls it 'secluded'.

We decided on Deadpool, which if I do say so myself, is one of the best Marvel movies of all time. Stephan was a bit agitated because the whole time I was oogling over Ryan Reynolds, but I mean who doesn't, he's hot as fuck. 

Every time a good scene came up, Stephan would grind his teeth and pull me closer to him, and every time I would get more and more annoyed. Eventually I threatened to get up and sit with Gavin, and he finally calmed down. He was no longer pulling me closer to him, but grumbling profanities even I wouldn't repeat. 

After the movie was over, Maddie and I sort of pulled away from the rest of  the boys and gossiped a bit about social media stars, while the boys talked about football, and who should win the Super Bowl in a few months. Then, an amazing idea hit me and I told Maddie to which she obviously agreed. 

I stood up, grabbing everyones attention, "it's time for a party, Kelly style."

Gio and Jason started whooping and hollering, and getting hyped up for our little party tonight.

"Kelly and I are going to run to the store for some alcohol, we'll be back soon" Maddie announced. 

"Wait!" Stephan yelled, "I'm coming too."

Stephan grabbed Gio's keys and we all piled into the truck for the second time today. Stephan took off to the nearest alcohol store which is about fifteen minutes away. We listened to Stephans god awful classical music, until Maddie and I had enough and switched the radio to rap and pop.

Once we arrived at the liquor store, we hopped out of the truck and walked in. We decided to to purchase a few cases of beer for the boys, and a bottle of Amsterdam Vodka, Pink Whitney, Malibu, Gin, Tequila, and a few cases of Mike's Hard. Stephan had split up from Maddie and I, and when we met back up, Stephan's eyes widened liked saucers. We shrugged and trailed along behind him to the register. 

On the way home, we bickered about who should pay, and of course Stephan won. Maddie and I decided to stick a few hundred dollars into his suit pocket when he's not looking, maybe that will be a mission of ours later tonight. We listened to Stephan's horrible music once again because he says it's 'good for the heart', which is absolutely illogical but we didn't argue (just silently rolling our eyes).

Stephan parked Gio's truck and we filed out, but this time, Stephan grabbed all the bags and trialed behind us. Opening the front door, I found Enzo and Gavin talking with Jason while setting up shot glasses, chasers, and mix-ins. Maddie and I smirked at each other and immediately got to work. We placed the hard liquor, Vodka, Gin, and Tequila, on the table with the shot glasses, while putting the Malibu and the Pink Whitney near the mix-in's in the kitchen.

We passed the time by setting out snacks and such, just incase if we get hungry. We also decided to break into Enzo's stash and set out his bong and bud on the coffee table. 

It's not too cold, so we cracked the windows a bit, and Maddie and I decided to freshen up. We ran up to her room, giggling like schoolgirls, and originally, were going to change into tight dresses. I protested the dresses, and so Maddie offered a different idea.

"It's not that big of the deal, your brothers are here and Jason, that's it. Well, and Gavin, but Stephan has no reason to be worried, ok?" 

"Fine" I gave in.

Maddie had me put on a black bralette with a black see-through crop top, she then had me slip into her shiny, latex skirt, and matched it with some black ankle-strapped heels. Maddie went for a similar look, but decided to show her French roots a bit: a black, shiny, latex tube top, a white mini skirt, a throw over black jacket with slits in the sleeves, and matched it with ankle-strapped, black pumps. (image above of the two outfits)

We left both our hair natural, and Maddie threw some mascara on, and I put on some falsies. We topped everything with lipgloss and a spritz of perfume. 

We headed out of her room, and made our way downstairs only to find it empty. I assume the boys are getting ready as well, so Maddie and I decided to get a head start. I poured us a few shots, one of Vodka, and two of tequila. Maddie got us two Mike's Hards each, and a mixed drink for us as well. 

Maddie and I took our shots like champs, well I did at least. Maddie almost threw up after her second tequila shot, but we defiantly downed our drinks quickly. We decided to race with out Mike Hards to see who could finish first, but before we could start, the boys came down.

Jason was first, dressed in black, ripped skinny jeans with a white shirt. 

Gavin was next; he wore blue, loose fitting jeans with a pink shirt.

Enzo and Gio wore similar outfits, both wearing navy blue slacks, with rolled, short sleeve dress shirts, one black, one emerald green.

Stephan was last and was looking amazing as always, black slacks, and a white dress shirt tucked in, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. 

I walked over to Stephan as everyone started to grab their drinks, and he looked me up and down like a horny hyena. He grabbed my waist and roughly pulled me to his chest. He gripped the bottom of my skirt and pulled it down, then back up until he was satisfied with the coverage. 

"Why are you not wearing a shirt princess?" Stephan whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"I am," I back fired.

"It's see-through, bambina" he gritted. 

I rolled my eyes at his possessiveness, "it's just you and my brothers, it's no big deal."

"And Gavin, too."

"Don't worry about him, Stephy, I only have eyes for you."

I sealed my promise with a kiss on his lips. He kissed back and things got a little heated before Maddie busted through the door and cleared her throat. Stephan and I separated and tagged along, behind Maddie. 

We arrived in the living room and everybody cheered, causing me to smile in embarrassment and Stephan to smirk. We sat down next to Gio, ready to take a couple hits. 

I tried to convince Stephan to take the first hit and he refused. I didn't want to pressure him so I let him off easy and didn't bug him about it. Gio took two hits, then passed the bong to me. We followed this routine for a little while until we were all feeling it. 

I felt as if I was in a movie for a bit, until my high started to calm down. Now, it's time to drink my heart out. 

Maddie and I decided to finish our chugging race with Gavin and Gio cheering on Maddie, and Stephan, Enzo and Jason cheering on me. Of course, I won and we had a little championship game to see who was the fastest. I beat just about everyone, and so did Stephan, so it's time for us to race. He obviously let me win, but I was too crossed to realize. 

Our night pretty much consisted of drinking and smoking, and the occasional beer pong. I convinced Stephan to take one hit just to know what it feels like, and he says he likes it, a lot. I ended up being beyond drunk, and to be honest, I didn't care. I'll probably care in the morning, but you only live once, right?

I ended up sloppy dancing to music and Stephan grabbed my waist from behind. We danced for a bit with my eyes closed, and when I opened them and looked around, a cheshire smile made it's way on to my face at what I saw.

Jason was dancing, but not alone, he was with Gavin.


Hey guys! Here's the update of the evening I hope you guys enjoyed it. You finally found out who the boytoy is!!! I tried to put subtle hints throughout the chapter but here is what you've all been waiting for. Also, I want to thank you guys for your constant support of my book, it truly means a lot. Feel free to leave me any suggestions or if you see any errors do let me know! Thanks again guys, I love all of you. Gotta blast!

QOTC: Who is your favorite celeb and why?


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