Chapter 3

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"Excuse me?" I look at him gobsmacked

"I would like a black coffee, with a chocolate muffin" Stephan said without missing a beat

His friend was wide eyed look at Stephan, which earned him a kick in the shins.

"I'll have a coffee with cream and two sugars please, and a chocolate chip muffin".

I wrote down what they wanted on my early used notepad and walked back to the kitchen. I heard the bell from above the door ring again, and I looked up and found my two favorite people; my best friend Jason, and the owner of the bakery, Martha. I hugged Martha first, then Jason. 

"Hey guys! I can't believe you're here, you too Mrs.Smith!"

 "Oh stop being so polite missy, it's Martha for the hundredth time!" Martha spoke.

"Yes, hello Martha" I spoke with a fake annoyed voice, but I ended it with a smile to show I was just joking around.

I hugged Jason again and he kissed the top of my head, if it was anyone else, it would be weird, but he's gay. I had a little small talk with Jason, but then the timer went off for the muffins. I excused myself and grabbed them from the warmer, along with the coffee they ordered. I quickly brought them over to the bold men. But may I just say Stephan was looking really good today (outfit in media box). 

"Here is your coffee and your muffin, Stephan" I handed his to him with a smile to which he returned one.

"Here is your coffee and muffin as well, sir" I handed the man his as well.

As I was walking away I heard a bit of their conversation:

"Don! Perché ti chiama per nome?" (Literal translation: Don! Why is she calling you by your first name?)

"Perché sei un idiota che diventerà la tua donna!" (Literal translation: Because you idiot she is going to be your donna!" 

I am totally lost in what they are saying to each other but I stopped eavesdropping because the conversation probably didn't concern me.

I walked back to Jason and sat down on my little stool and started reading. After a few minutes of Jason blabbering about the new guy he is with he asked me,

"Are you even listening?"

"Of course I am," I am a great multitasker, "You were talking about your new boy-toy at school named Jacob. You said he has black hair, green eyes and he is in your pre-calc class. I believe that was all"

"How in the hell do you do that?"

"I don't know"

"Well it's time to go to school, get your lazy, fat behind up and grab your school bag"

Stephan's POV:

After mia principessa gave me and John our coffee, a boy walked in. She hugged him, he fucking touched her. After that they hugged AGAIN and he kissed her forehead and she didn't do anything. I was fuming to being with because my partner John called her beautiful, and now this boy kissed her. My knuckles were clenched around the table and I'm sure if I picked up my coffee cup it would shatter into pieces. John looked over at my with wide eyes,

"Why is she calling you by your first name?"

"Because she is going to be your donna, idiot!" I replied.

"Bro, are you and her even dating? She seems like she doesn't even know you that well"

"She doesn't know me yet but I am going to ask her out soon"

"Move quick bro, looks like that guy is moving in fast" he says and nods his head in the boys direction.

"He is just a stupid boy, Kelly needs a man. And keep your nose out of my business! But I need you to get all the information you can about about that guy"

"Ok bro, consider it done" John chuckled.

Once we were done we paid and left, mia principessa already left for school with her little boyfriend. I drove John and I back to my company building.; it was a black glass skyscraper. I got out of the car and John followed me to the front doors. Guards opened them and let us in. We walked to our offices and started on our work. 

I have a lot of papers to sign and fill out, but I also want to worry about my princess. She seems so quiet, maybe I can bring that loud side out of her. She is so perfect! She has beautiful honey blonde, long hair, crystal clear, large, blue eyes, long, thick eyelashes, plump, pink lips, amazing freckles. The list could go on and on. 

I woke up from my little daydream and shook my head. I need to get back to work. 

After a few hours, John knocked on my door. He came in and slapped a thick pile of papers on my desk. 

"This is all I could find on that guy; his name in Jason Smith" John said then walked out.

Jason Smith, huh? 

I read through his family history, his school transcripts, and even medical records. It seems that Kelly came into his life year ago, when they were both freshman. Jason was held back because he flunked eight grade and had to repeat it. They have been inseparable since then. He is going to regret the day he was born.

It was already 5pm, and it was time to see my princess. I grabbed some documents that I am going to work on at home, and my keys. I said goodbye to many employees as I made my way out of the building. I started my car and drove off to Kelly's job.

I parked and walked in and saw there was a ton of people here. Kelly quickly caught my eye because she was ruching around trying to seat and serve everyone. Jaden- no Jason, whatever his name is was rushing around severing people people too. There was one spot open so I walked over there and sat down. Kelly was looking around for anyone that needed help and she caught my stare. 

"Hi Stephan! What would you like to have today?" she said walking over to my table.

I stood up and hugged her, she tensed at first but hugged me back, "Can I just get a black coffee for now?"

She nodded and walked away; her hips swayed and I swear I was drooling. I shook my head and took out my phone.

A few minutes pass and Kelly came back with my coffee, "Would you like anything else?" she smiled.

I shook my head, "Just the check please, bella" (Literal translation: beautiful).

She came back with the check and placed it face down on the table, and with a smile she walked off again. It was only 3 dollars for a large coffee, but I gave her a $20 anyway. Money always came easy to me and was never a problem. I also wrote my number on the receipt and told her to text me. I stood up and went over to Kelly. I saw that Jason was watching so I hugged her again, kissed her cheek and said,

 "Call me, addio!" (Literal translation: Bye).

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