Part 2 - Who are you?

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What is this?

I did go into the portal, but this was far from what I expected to see. I landed in some alleyway and right as I came out, and then I found myself in a big city: definitely much bigger than NInjago.

There were skyscrapers everywhere, like a scene from one of those postcards or movies I saw in Ninjago. This place could easily be on the tourist map, way flashier than Ninjago. We had our fair share of tall buildings back home, but this was on another level. Ninjago was nothing compared to this. 

I don't know how long I was stuck in the sight around me, because all of a sudden, someone grabbed my shoulder. 

"Hey, you good?" a male voice asked. 

"Huh?" I replied, looking behind me. 

It was a man wearing a white T-shirt. A beard covered the entire lower half of his face and he looked worn out. That being said, calling me a madman wasn't too far of a reach. My clothes were torn, my hygiene would look disdainfully at me, and my expression was equivalent to someone who had just committed mass murder. 

"You seem lost, my friend," the man said. 

"I am new to this place," I replied. "I need to be alone right now, so do you mind?"

"No problem," the man replied, walking away.

I needed to learn more about this city and this task seems to be something I cannot do with someone else. Given I didn't know anyone here, though the people looked friendly, I needed to be on guard. That guy could be some assassin sent to kill me. Technically speaking, I would have quite a big bounty in Ninjago: I'm shocked that Ronin never found me in those nearly 10 years.

People seemed to be happy. A couple(Boyfriend and Girlfriend) was in their world drinking something - I think it said "Boba" on the container they were drinking from. It gave me flashbacks of my relationship with Nya before everything went south. This place looked very peaceful at first glance; no villains or anything troubling anyone. 

Just what type of luck hit me for my arrival to such a utopia?

The Never-Realm wasn't by luck and by no means was it a utopia; we had to brawl with a buffed Wu and fiddle with a machine to get there so that we could save Zane. When we arrived, we had to free the inhabitants of that realm from a never-ending ice age. I would say it was a pretty big dystopia upon my arrival. 

Could it be that some cruel trick was being played on me?

Could it be that they were secretly following me here?

I hope that this...THUD!

My body gave in to the exhaustion of my journey, and I flopped right down on the street. Every muscle screamed in protest, and the weight of my feelings could crush me to pieces had it been a human being. I was over-exhausted from my journey in the Desert of Doom.

Surviving out in the Desert of Doom for over nine years was no joke. There were times when I had to go days, even weeks without food, and when food did show up, it was barely anything. By the time I walked into that portal, I hadn't eaten for a good couple of weeks.

"Yeah...I'm dead," I muttered, as I struggled to keep my consciousness afloat.

A strange sensation came over me. It was a detachment from the pain, a numbness that spread through my body. It was like Death himself had come to visit me, and there I stood, feeling an eerie sense of calm. It feels like I broke the fourth wall and was witnessing my own death. 

This was it, wasn't it? 

The grand finale of my long and twisted journey.

"Learn to take help," a male voice uttered, as I heard something drop in front of me. 

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