Part 3 - Was it all just a dream?

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I was in Ninjago all of a sudden...

 Confusion was the name of the game.

"Was it all just a dream?" I pondered aloud. 

I mean, I clearly remembered getting kicked out, but now I was back.

Was going to the city some sort of a wild dream? 

Did I even get kicked out of Ninjago in the first place? 

Or had I just stumbled my way back into Ninjago without realizing it?

I couldn't quite wrap my head around it. My thoughts were all over the place. I needed to dig through my memories to figure out why I was here.

But I decided to roll with it. 

The Monastery was my next stop, and I was hoping for some video game fun and maybe some leads on the Vengestone Buyer. 

There were rumors going around about someone hoarding vengestone, a super valuable material that could zap elemental powers. Everyone was curious, even the bad guys. Seemed like a side quest, but something told me it was more than that.

If it all turned out to be just a dream, I'd be kinda relieved. 

Everything looked normal, as it should be. I even wondered if my run-in with Mark and all the crazy events were part of that too-good-to-be-true dream.

Then, out of the blue, I heard someone calling my name.

I turned around, and Nya was there, looking all surprised.

"Guess who's back," she said, sounding like she never thought she'd see me again. "Jay, after the Borg drama, you're still hanging around. Can't say I expected that."

So by the looks of it, this might not be real - the way she's speaking implies that not much time has passed since I've gotten banished. 

Her words stung, and a tear rolled down my cheek. 

The pain of being wrongly accused and kicked out hit me hard. It looked like Nya was still hung up on those old rumors and hadn't learned a thing.

Well, I had to set the record straight. 

I spoke up, my voice a mix of frustration and sadness.

"I didn't do it," I declared. 

I wanted her to know I wasn't the bad guy here.

Getting blamed for Borg's death was like carrying a truckload of bricks. 

Nya's disbelief just made it worse. 

Would I ever claw my way back to my team's trust?

Nya's words cut deep, and I was left speechless. 

Her betrayal - someone I cared about - stung. 

What to do next?

Suddenly, a bolt of silvery energy hit me like a fastball. 

I stumbled but got up to see a gray-haired dude. A grey-haired dude who seemed familiar, like I saw him in the desert when I checked my phone before going in the portal. 


It was the Master of Synergy, a.k.a, Nya's new boyfriend, my replacement on the team. 

"Is this the loser who used to be your boyfriend?" He spat out.

Those words were a gut punch. 

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