Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 is dedicated to all my silent readers. You might not vote or comment, but the fact that you're giving my book a chance means a lot to me!

Thank you for your support ❤

“I am coming on this mission whether you like it or not,” I hissed.

“Give it up, man,” Raúl laughed. “She’s not changing her mind.”

“Period,” I said, nodding at Raúl.

Ashton scowled, but finally accepted defeat.
Jun had had all the squad members walk pass me to familiarize themselves with my scent so that I wouldn’t accidentally be mistaken for a Spade Kingdom accomplice.
Bianca wiped away a tear as she kissed Beau goodbye.

Like CaVaughn, he had felt regretful about the fact that Jackson had gone rogue from his kingdom. Although technically, he wasn’t fully rogue since he was with the Spade Kingdom. The king didn’t seem to care about that detail and had already considered Jackson nothing more than a traitor.

“Okay.” Jun clapped as the last squad past me. “We’re moving out.”

It was a long journey— something my parents were hesitant about because the last time I'd come back broken— but they ended up agreeing to it because of Kevin’s efforts.

First, we traveled north-west, and then we went east, passing through Cothe on our way. It was my first time seeing the country, but I had no time to admire the view, especially since most of the landscape surrounding us was nothing but forested woodlands.

We'd split up into our teams and were taking different routes because it would have been too obvious if we all traveled together. I was with Jun and CaVaughn, who was carefully navigating a jeep along the rocky terrain. Jun was silent as he focused on the plan and mind-linked the others.

I tried to rehearse what I would say to Malekh. He would either be alone or with Jackson. Jun was hoping for the latter. If not, he was hoping we would find Jackson alone. But he definitely did not want us encountering Malekh by himself.

“Are you worried?”

I was jolted out of my thoughts by CaVaughn’s voice. His piercing green eyes stared back at me through the mirror.

“Not really. I think everything will go well. I believe in everyone.”

He made a sound that I took as agreement.

“Sixty-nine percent,” Jun muttered to himself

Looks like our success rate just went up.
We stopped traveling when it was nightfall and checked into a hotel, then left again the next day. I was beginning to get tired of sitting in a car for so long. This would have killed Callie.

We repeated the cycle and then after the fourth day, our team finally arrived. We waited until the sky had darkened to launch the mission.

I stared at the large space that loomed ahead of us. It seemed as deserted as a cemetery. I couldn’t spot any of the other squads or teams. They were well hidden along the terrain. I wondered if I was as obvious as I felt.

I could just make out CaVaughn’s form in the darkness and beside me, Jun walked along noiselessly. They both moved so silently, I had to keep glancing beside me to see if they were there. Compared to them, I felt like I was banging on a drum, announcing our arrival.

Jun glanced at me and CaVaughn and we nodded as he dissolved into the darkness, nails extended. He would take out the guards at the front. He had promised not to kill them. Injure them, yes, but they would still be alive.

I couldn’t really agree with that, but they were Origens and they would heal quickly.
I walked along beside CaVaughn as we entered the compound from an entrance created by another squad earlier today.

We avoided the entrance of the large house that loomed in the middle of the compound, instead going around to the back as suggested. I wiped my sweaty palms on my pants and stifled a scream as a tree branch brushed against my leg.

CaVaughn glanced at me worriedly, but I nodded, assuring him that I was okay. Why was I so jumpy all of a sudden? I felt like Jun, as if something was missing. It was almost too easy. So easy that I was getting uneasy.

The place was largely unguarded and our squads had mapped out most of the blind spots. I walked up some steps with CaVaughn as we came to a back room. There, we passed another squad who was going in the opposite direction. Their large figures looked eery against the dark, moonless night.

My heartbeat calmed down somewhat because the hallway CaVaughn and I entered was well lit. If anything, it should have made me even more nervous, because in the brighness we were totally obvious. The hallway was also long and straight with nowhere to hide.

But up until now everything had felt so relaxed, I was relieved to see the normal room. Unlike everything else, there was nothing unusual about this.

I inched closer to CaVaughn whose eyes were tense and alert. Malekh would be closer now. My heart beat steadily in my chest as I thought about Kevin, Ashton and Beau who were dealing with the rear guards. Somewhere in the night I thought I heard a scream and I wondered if it was somebody from our kingdom.

I didn’t dare to break the encapsulating silence to ask, and CaVaughn kept moving.
We rounded the hallway. Nobody was there. We passed by a room and CaVaughn paused, but only for a split second. His brows furrowed in what looked like confusion and he sniffed the air a few times.

I stared back at the room as we turned along another hallway, but there was nothing suspicious about it. Everything in the house looked the same. The same bright red carpeted the floors and the walls were done in black and red with touches of gold.

We passed a portrait of a beautiful blonde woman. Her teeth gleamed in a dainy, white smile and she was wore a navy blue dress— the kind you would see in a vintage store. It looked like something from the early 1900s.

The eyes in the portrait seemed to follow my every movement and it was a little perturbing. CaVaughn was somewhat tense beside me while he scanned everything in the hallway.

He stopped abruptly, stretching out his hand to stop me. His eyes narrowed and an almost silent growl escaped his lips.

Scenario one: Malekh would be with Jackson- Good.

Scenario two: Malekh would be alone- Bad.

Scenario three: Jackson would be alone- Good.

Scenario four: We would run into someone we knew absolutely nothing about- Bad.

It was a fifty-fifty chance that the scenario that we wanted would happen. I peered along the hallway we had just turned onto. The end was dark and I couldn’t even hear footsteps, but I knew that someone was coming. Who would it be?

“Elizabeth, CaVaughn. How nice to see you again.”

Hey lovelies! Thanks for reading!

Elizabeth and CaVaughn have encountered someone, but who is it?

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See you in the next chapter!

The Prince's Fiancée | ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora