Chapter 36

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Chapter 36 is dedicated to ojbomar and miakruger92931 and babe_union

Thank you for your support ❤

"Dodge!" I yelled as Jun just nearly managed to evade CaVaughn's sharp nails that sliced through the air, just where his head had been a moment ago. My heart was pounding with anxiety, and if I didn't know better, I'd have mistaken the gleam in Jun's eyes for excitement.

He seemed to almost laugh as he maneuvered his way around CaVauhn's body. Apparently, I didn't know any better. He was enjoying this.

"Get him, prince CaVaughn!" Harlow shouted with a huge grin from where she was sitting on the wall beside me.

"Aren't you worried Jun will get hurt?" I asked anxiously.

"Nah. He's got this," she laughed, her eyes following their every movement. "In fact, he's enjoying this way more than he should."

I turned away from her, re-focusing my attention on the sparring match between Jun and CaVaughn. Training had started a few days ago, but this was my first time actually watching them fight. CaVaughn had needed some time to get used to moving around in his new form.

It was kind of hard keeping track of who was who because they both moved at super fast speeds. The difference was that Jun was smaller. Despite his size disadvantage, he was holding up pretty good. Watching them fight was like nothing I'd ever seen before.

It was hardly even comparable to the fight I'd witnessed with Armani. Their surreal strength and the uncanny speed with which they moved barely left time for me to figure out what was going on. One moment CaVaughn would be down and the next moment he was nipping at Jun's neck.

The growls and snarls continued to fill the air as Ashton came over to me. I gave him a cheerful smile which he chose to ignore, instead pouting in silence.

"Ash," I sang, nudging him with my elbow. "Are you still mad?"

He huffed. He was too cute sometimes. I laughed, leaning back against the wall. "You can't shield me from this forever, you know."

"I know, but it's still too dangerous for you to be so close."

"They wouldn't hurt me."

"Not on purpose, but accidents happen. They might seem far away but one of them could come flying over here at any moment."

"My lessons with Madame Lucille are finished and I'd rather be here than sitting inside doing nothing," I protested. "I'm involved in this too. I can't fight like you can, but I can help. I brought snacks."

He sighed, knowing I wouldn't change my mind. I gave him a peck on the cheek and a slow smile played on his lips.

"Fine," he conceded. "But stay here with Harlow. Don't go any closer to the fight."

"You don't have to tell me twice."

He jogged off to where Kevin was also observing the fight. He would be going at CaVaughn next and that thought wasn't making me feel too good.

"How did I get stuck babysitting you?" Harlow groaned, opening a can of beer.

I laughed at that and inspected the wall for a place to climb up. It was mostly smooth. I tried boosting myself up using a rock and that wasn't my brightest idea. She watched with amusement as I fell right back down.

"How can you humans be so bad at everything?"

"That's just me," I sighed, glaring at the wall.

"Here," she said, setting down her can and moving into a squatting position. Her left foot was pressed against the top edge of the wall, while she shifted her weight, planting her right foot on the flat side of the wall. She offered me her hand.

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