Chapter Nine

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*Not Edited*

Chapter Nine

"What's wrong?" Cami voice pulled me out of my shock.

"Oh er nothing, I just forgot about an assignment that's due." I must have sounded convincing because Cami didn't question me further.

Putting my phone on silent I tried to ignore the message I just received.

"Can I use your phone for a sec? I want to see how much we can cash out in the bank without having to speak to the bank people." When Cami sent me a puzzled look, I continued. "My phone is being weird, it'll be more quicker on yours."

Cami handed her phone over and I quickly googled how much money I could get out from my bank account. I could get out £10,000 without needing to talk to someone but I had to use the cash machine inside the bank which was fine. To get money out of my savings was another issues, I would have to transfer my savings money into my current account and then get it out.

"We can get out £10,00 in one go, so we'll have to go to the bank twice. I'm thinking we cash out £7,000 now and another £7,000 on Monday because the bank is closed on Sundays. We can only use the money in your current account, we won't be able to access the money mum and dad left you until you're 18. It's okay though, we have enough to live on until we figure something out."

"Maybe we can call Uncle Tom and ask if can get the money out." Cami suggested.

I shook my head. "No, he'll ask too many questions and we can't justify why we would need that money right now."

"I can't believe we're doing this." Cami mumbled as she took her phone back.

Me neither.

"Right so, I'm going to go the bank and cash out. You stay here and start packing your clothes. I think we have a couple of suitcases in mum and dad's room. We can take only one suitcase each so only pack what you need."

As I drove to the bank my mind wandered over to the message I received. It was grainy dark picture of two people in what looked like a field. The picture was dark and it was unclear who those two people were but I'm assuming the creep who was sending me those messages was trying to say it was us.

If that's the only 'evidence' he had then we would be fine, a blurry and unclear picture of two people in the dark didn't prove anything. To be on the safe side, we still needed to get away from here.

I didn't reply to the creep but decided not to block him, he'll end up texting me with a new number anyway and I wanted to know if he had anything else. That didn't mean I would play along with his sick game.

The bank was quiet on this Saturday morning despite the amount of people shopping in the town centre. It felt strange carrying all that money in my purse, I felt paranoid that someone knew what I had in my bag and they would try to take it off me.

As I walked past I saw a familiar face exiting a phone repair shop. "Hey Jackson."

Jackson turned around. "Hi Nala, you alright?"

"Yeah, just here to do some shopping." I told him. "Sorry about the other day, something came up. Thanks for all the help though."

"Yeah sure." Jackson replied sounding distracted. "I have to go, I'll see you later yeah?"

"Sure." I said but Jackson had already left. My eyes wandered to the shop he had left and the man behind the counter gave me a friendly smile.

I walked into the shop and headed to the counter. "Hi, love. Do you need any help?"

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