Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty One

Silence encased the room after Cami uttered those words. Her posture was submissive, her eyes fixated on the floor and her head still slightly bowed down.

The Alpha met my gaze and raised an eyebrow. I could see, ever so slightly, the humour in his eyes.


"Yes, it was me. Not Nala." Cami clarified, her tone still wobbly.

"Your sister told me it was her."

What was Alpha Alessandro playing at? He knew Cami was the one who killed his rapist cousin, why was he pretending this was news to him?

Cami eyes flickered over to mine and her face softened. "She said it to protect me. She didn't do anything, it was all me."

"Hmm." The Alpha sounded like he was thinking deeply about something. "How do I know you're telling the truth and not simply saying this to protect your sister?"


"I'm telling the truth Alpha, I did it. I killed him." Her tone was more confident this time and more stable.

"I don't believe yo-"

"Stop!" I snapped feeling annoyed that he was making my sister go through this for no reason. I wasn't sure why he was doing this, did he get a kick out of watching her squirm?

"Nala!" Cami hissed sounding horrified.

"What are you doing? What game are you playing? It's not funny." I told Alpha Alessandro, taking a step forward.

If I thought Cami was horrified before she was now looking like she was seconds away from passing out. "Nala, stop. What are you doing?"

The Alpha ignored me and continued to talk to Cami as if I hadn't spoken. "Is that why you're here? To confess?"

Cami swallowed audibly. "Yes and to take my sister's place."

Alpha Alessandro let out a laugh while I shook my head at Cami. That's why she came back? To swap places with me?

My heart warmed as I gazed over at my brave but stupid sister. Did she not think about the consequences? Was she not scared about what might happen to her?

"You can't take her place."

Cami frowned. "It was me who did it. I should be punished not Nala."

Cami, stop talking.

"Nala has not been punished, far from it. In fact I don't think I would be wrong in saying she has had pleasure from staying here." The smirk on his face began to grow wide and my face began to grow warm.

"Pleasure?" Cami's tone was filled with confusion. "I don't understand."

Before Alpha Alessandro could speak and mentally scar Cami, I spoke up.

"Can I talk to you outside?" I asked Alpha Alessandro through gritted teeth before adding another word. "Please."

Still smirking Alpha Alessandro walked out of the room with me quickly following him. "I'll be back." I told Cami before closing the door on her bewildered looking face.

"What are you doing?" I hissed as soon as we were alone. "Why are you messing around with her?"

"Messing around with her?" Alpha Alessandro repeated those words before shaking his head. "I only mess around with you." He told me with a wink.


What was going on? Why was the Alpha behaving like this? Saying I was confused would be the understatement of the century.

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