Dev talk

71 4 2

(A/N Notes: ... I ran out of ideas for what to write in my notes)

Inside a meeting room


Everyone inside was silent, as they all sat down around a meeting table

"... He defeated the secret boss"

"We know..."

"... And it was a one-sided fight"

"We saw it..."

"... And it was really cool so we should use it for our next major patch advertisement"

"Hell yeah! We should!"

They all agreed on that decision

"Wait, shouldn't we first ask for his permission to use his fight for our trailers?"

"I already asked him about a week ago, and he sent me an email containing an edit of his fight"

"You did? And how is his edit like?"

The dev who had the video made a troubled face

"... Do you remember those MLG's montages, with a bunch of dubstep music and memes?"

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Think of that, but with mixed in with anime references and handmade animation"

"... You had my curiosity, but now you have my attention"

Another dev got really interested in what the video contained

"Well... I can show you guys how the video looks like"

The dev with the video turned on the projector and connected it to his laptop, and shared the video with the other devs

The video

*Starts with a motherfucking Jojo parody*

Two buffed figures, one of Red Null and the other of Luparious I were standing menacingly

"Ho? You're approaching me? Instead of running away, you're coming right towards me"

"I can't be shit out of you without getting closer"

"Oh ho! Then come as close as you like"

Then a smooth transition of the first part of the fight changed the cartoony-anime animation to the actual footage, filled with memes of course. Then on the part where Red threw his tomahawk, another smooth transition happened that made his throwing look way cooler than it actually was

*Luparious I gets hit* *That's pretty big meme on the damage counter*

*Red retrieving his tomahawk with thunders and lightning bolts in the background*

And another Jojo like animation started

"You thought this was my end, but you thought wrong Gatturin Guran da!!!"

And when it was the part of Luparious I using his magical battling attack, it was back again to the in-game recording, but when the video closed up on Red, it once again became an anime style animation with his dodging with all sorts of parkour moves, that finished with him invoking the geo construct

*Red jumping on the geo construct followed by a Ricard* Milo gif slapped in front of him, followed by another animation with him jumping up like a certain prisoner anime character who has an attack with angel wings followed by a "Za worldo da!" slapped on top of him*

The video was paused

"Alright, I don't need to see anymore... Send that video to the marketing team immediately!"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2021 ⏰

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