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"What did you want to tell me?" You asked your blond friend from under the cherry blossom he brought you under.

"I love you (Y/N)." He answered, taking your hands in his gloved ones.

"Love me? That's a bit sudden don't you think?" You giggled, blowing the entire thing off as a joke. 

'Ace probably put him up to this considering how many times he gave me flowers as a gag.' You thought to yourself.

"I can prove it to you." He smiled, letting go of one of your hands to look at the time on his phone. "Just give it a few minutes."

"Alright." You said, still giggling to yourself as you leaned against the tree.

The sound of glass shattering made you tense up. Turning around you saw your school engulfed in flames. You could hear the countless screams of students caught in the fire, desperately trying to escape. The fire alarms ringing in your ear, even though you were a good distance from them. 

Shaking, you took a couple of steps backward trying to process what you just witnessed. The gentle sensation of Sabo's arms wrapping around your torso made you freeze in fear.

"See, I told you I could prove it." He cheerfully stated, resting his head on your shoulder.

"Y-You did this?" You stuttered, not being able to take your eyes off the burning building.

"Of course!" He replied, spinning you so that you were facing him. "So, how about we get married?" 

"M-Married?" You asked, "You want to get married after you just committed mass homicide?"

"Yes ma'am~" He sang, pulling you closer to him, "I can get started on the preparations immediately, you just have to say yes~" He muttered into your ear.

"N-No." You quaked, pushing away from the deranged man.

"No? Why not, darling."

"Look what you did!" You exclaimed.

"I did it all for you, though." He reminded, stepping towards you.

"Ace and Luffy were in there!" You shuddered, looking at the school again in despair.

"Tch, I do all this for you and you start mentioning other men! Don't I mean anything to you?" He hissed, clicking his tongue.

"They're your brothers! Don't they mean anything to you?" 

"Of course they do, but they were getting a little too close to you. I had to do this!" He argued.

"You're insane!" You retorted, stepping back away from him.

"I'd watch what you say if I were you." He advised in a dangerously low tone.

You sprinted down towards the road, trying to get as far away from Sabo as possible. The tall grass tickled your ankles as you ran. Sparks and ashes littered the sky around you as the fire grew. Swiftly stopping at a halt once you made it to the asphalt, you started waving your hands as you tried to get the attention of at least one person. You needed someone to help you. Then you started to realize that no one was driving down the road. The street was empty. No one was going to help you.

"I'm sorry, darling~ I didn't mean to frighten you." You heard him apologize from behind you. "It's been a pretty stressful day, I hope you understand." 

Sabo then grabbed your hand and started to walk you towards the parking lot. Too scared to do anything, you obediently followed behind. You could hear him humming a small tune as he brought you to the passenger side door of his car. 

"After you m'lady." He said, opening the door for you to climb in. 

Once you got into the car he drove away. The two of you were never going to be seen by anyone ever again. You'd both live in a small house in the middle of nowhere, with Sabo caring for your every need. Better get used to it, he won't be letting you go any time soon.

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