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"What's that called again?" You're friend, Camie, questioned as she pointed towards the huge ride in the middle of the park.

Turning your head, you looked over at what the mermaid was gesturing to, "That's called a Ferris wheel." You responded.

The shining, blue Ferris wheel slowly moved around in a circle as the three of you came closer and closer to it. You and Hachi had decided to take Camie out to see the amusement park on Saboady for the first time. You weren't anticipating anything bad to happen today, especially since there seemed to be so much more people this time around, you didn't think anyone would bat an eye at the two you were with. You could probably just hide in the crowd to avoid any conflict.

"Do you think we can go on it?" She asked, amazed at how tall the structure was in person, only ever hearing about it by other people or in books.

"Well, sure we can," Hachi said, throwing an arm around the two of you, "Going on the Ferris Wheel is a tradition for humans."

"No, it's not." You said, flicking the octopus in the head.

You were hit with a gust of air as the cart on the roller coaster zoomed past you on the tracks. You smiled as Hachi practically dragged the two of you toward the end of the line. You found yourself stepping out of the way for people a lot as the crowds started to get bigger around you. You stepped closer to the small group of three you were with when you realized Camie wasn't with you anymore.

"H-Hey, where's Camie at?" Your voice wavered in fear of what might've happened to the poor girl. You knew how people here were, most of them were greedy and wouldn't hesitate to ruin someone's life for a few dollars.

"Eep! She was here just a second ago, you think maybe she just wandered off?" Hachi asked as he frantically looked out into the sea of people trying to spot the green-haired girl.

"I think something much worse happened to her." You were starting to get light-headed as you struggled to keep your balance. Your hands started to sweat as the anxiety you were feeling worsened, your heartbeat quickened along with your breathing. The world felt like it was spinning as you desperately tried to find Camie in the crowds, you walked through the mob of people, Hachi following closely behind, you only hoped nothing happened to the bubbly mermaid.

"You looking for your friend?" You swiftly looked over at the voice, maybe Camie was ok, maybe he could help. Seeing the short and stocky man in front of you made your heart drop, he looked exactly like the type of guy who'd sell someone to the bidding houses for money. Him having a ring on each finger and a suit that no doubt could be accepted as payment at a wealthy hotel made you believe he didn't get all that money through honest work.

"How much cash do you want?" You asked. You were willing to do anything to free Camie, even if it meant taking her place.

You watched as he took the cigar out of his mouth and blew the smoke out into the air, "Oh, I don't have her." He said, "But I know who does, and I can get her back, you just gotta do me a favor. Sound like a fair deal, doll?" You nodded frantically at the expensive-looking man.

"Hey! Leave her alone, I bet you don't even know where that mermaid friend of theirs is! You're just a creep aren't ya!" A pink-haired woman shouted at the mafia boss. "C'mon sweetie, I saw where that other chick went, just follow me, yeah?" She told you in a strangely soothing tone.

"Wait, you both know where Camie went?" Hachi spoke up, "(Y/N) you go with the lady and I'll follow this gentleman over here. We're bound to find her that way."

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