Chapter 29 (Thats gonna leave a mark)

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*[Y/N] POV*

[Y/N]: What the hell happened to you and the rest of you didn't respond to us for a while....I thought you just went on a vacation or something but only for me to discover that you've been.....captured...but how.....

Talon: Well you see he had plans for us.....all of us......we are still at war with demecia and its only a matter of time before he gets what he wants

[Y/N]: And what is it that he wants

Talon: The whole world........that's all I'm going to say if you live throughout this battle I can tell you the rest as a reward *chuckle*.....but thanks to this artifact I don't think it's going to happen *smile*

[Y/N]: Hmph very big talk talon what exactly can it do that seems like it's your first time using it

Talon: Perspective [Y/N] but let's find out shall we

He charges at me but only for me to dodge......however he throws the artifact at and of course I dodged but then I realized something


It created a explosion behind me

[Y/N]: gah....what the hell

Talon: That's new.......I've never seen a weapon easily explode like that and still be in full condition

[Y/N]: Well your "Explosion"....caused damage to the apartment......

Yea it punched a hole through some else's I feel bad for the guy who has to pay the damages.....

[Y/N]: But now your defenseles-


Ugh me and my big mouth

Talon: This weapon piece is so powerful the guy who wields it must have holded a great amount of power

[Y/N]: *Pant* think....dude your punching holes with that piece your literally destroying the apartment building little by little..

*knock* *knock*

Apartment resident: Can you keep it down im trying to watch a movie here about some guy getting a harem of girls

Oh for crying out loud oh shi-


[Y/N]: Oh ummm sorry about that just that my friend here is a little moody so haha leave while you can sir

He just stared at me and Talon with a shocked expression and then soon bolted screaming

[Y/N]: Oh great talon you just attracted the police to us now we Definitely have to take this outside

Talon: Hmph I don't think so


Talon: Now we can take it outside

He punched a whole through the window showing the display of the city.......not bad of a apartment building to be honest but still the person who has to pay this now is gonna be devastated

[Y/N]: *Sigh* leave my no choice talon it's time for me to end this

Talon: Oh and how are you going to do killing me *smile*

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