Chpater 32 (BOW BEFORE ME!)

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*[Y/N] POV*

*Warping sounds*

[Y/N]: Wow 

Here i the great city of bandle home to the yordles....supposedly people would pay big money to find out the location but here we all are.......

Zed: Well what do you think?

Kayn: Wow.......all i see is potential murder

Zed: kayn behave yourself 

Talon: Interesting...what a fascinating city 

Jason: So many little versions of us

[Y/N]: Hmph well lets get a move on shall we.....Zed wheres your assistant located?

Zed: Hmmmm he didn't give me his exact coordinates *Nervous laughter*

[Y/N]: You mean you didn't ask for his address?

Zed: Nope

[Y/N]: Goddamit...well lets hope they don't find us and-

????: Who are you?

[Y/N]: *sigh*....i just had to say something

we turn around and its a little yordle with a black and blue jacket and glowing eyes....and is that a staff?

[Y/N]: More like the question is...who are you 

Veigar: Veigar....the greatest evil ever...BOW BEFORE ME HAHAHA


Veigar: I said bow before i unleash my evil upon you

[Y/N]: Please you aren't as threating as a giant scuttlecrab

Zed: With all due respect...Mr...veigar yes do you happen to know where heimerdingers hideout is?

Veigar: Are you here to steal his inventions??

Zed: here to talk to him 

Veigar: Oh......well you will talk to him after you pass this test

Suddenly a flash of dark power came from above and tried to strike us....To bad we saw that coming 

Talon: Listen we aren't here to play games.....We are looking for heimerdinger because the threat we are facing is much....much bigger then you.....[short joke intented]

Veigar: What are you talking about i am the threat HAHAHA

Kayn: Can i kill this annoying pest now?

Zed: No we can't hurt them we need there trust 

[Y/N]: Ugh trust.....why shouldn't we kill them 

Jason: Umm [Y/N] Helloo??

[Y/N]: Oh right...the two artifacts......right....

Veigar: Come and face me and tremble before my evil might 

[Y/N]: Kid stop screwing around and help us find heimerdinger......and please evil man.... *chuckles*

Veigar: Grrr i am evil stop laughing!..

More shots from him came and suddenly a cage trapped us all inside.....

Zed: Alright kayn maybe i am gonna allow you to strike

Kayn: getting tired of this little pest 

[Y/N]: Same here now let-

????: Veigar what are you doing....your going to ruin rumbles date with all this chaos happening

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