Chapter 13 - Lullaby

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Rosetta’s POV:
I woke some hours later. I had no idea what time it was so I walked into the sitting room. I looked around and found no Erik. I was instantly worried. I mean, who knows what he was up to.

During my last time left alone, I had found some food. It wasn’t much but I was really hungry so I didn’t care. I quickly relocated the loaf of bread and started to eat. I settled down in a chair and ate several pieces of bread in a matter of a few minutes.

I then looked over at his organ. Mother had taught me some things about the instrument. I stood up and walked over to it. I touched one key and nodded approvingly. It was perfectly in tune. I took a deep breath and started to play the first piece my mother had ever taught

“Rosetta, would you come here? I want to show you something.” I ran over to her and hopped up beside her on the organ bench. She smiled down at me and pointed to the organ. “Do you want to learn how to play this?”

“Yes, I do, Mother. Is it very hard?” She laughed and started to play.

“No, darling, it is simple. You will be fine. Now, copy my movements.” She started to play a very simple but beautiful song. I placed my hands on the keys and copied her movements. A few hours later, I had the piece memorized.

I looked down at the organ keys and said,

“Mother, what will Father think?” Mother’s face paled and she said,

“Darling, your father is a not easily pleased. I would prefer you not to tell him about this.” I nodded and fell silent. I was used to this.

Mother would commonly go behind Father’s back when it came to certain things. Her violin, her composing, her organ, and myself.

The late that night I went the organ and started to play. Mother and Father were asleep and I couldn’t stay away from the organ. I have fallen in love with it.

I started to play the song and lost myself in the song. I was glad Mother had showed me. Then the cover was slammed down on my hands. I looked up and my father was standing over me.

“What do you think you are doing?” I swallowed and stuttered,

“I-I w-was p-playing t-the o-organ.” He growled and said,

“I know you were. Why?” I pulled away from the organ and walked backwards towards the door through which I could reach my room.

“Because I like the organ. Do you not like that?” He growled slightly and said,

“I don’t want you to play. That is an order. You will not play that organ again.” I fought back the tears and fled to my bedroom.

Flinging myself onto my bed, I sobbed myself to sleep. I never played again on that organ.

I finished the piece and sighed. I missed playing. I really had. I repeated the song and lost myself even more in memories. Then I remembered a piece Mother had used to sing. She was allowed to play when Father wasn’t around. Only she was brave enough to dare his
wrath. I was too cowardly.

I took a deep breath and tried to sing what Mother always had when I was scared.

Little child, be not afraid
The rain pounds harsh against the glass
Like an unwanted stranger
There is no danger
I am here tonight

Little child
Be not afraid
Though thunder explodes
And lightning flash
Illuminates your tearstained face
I am here tonight

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