Chapter 36 - Dreams

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Erik's POV:

I sat bolt upright in my bed and gasped for air. Sweat poured off me as I glanced around. A ship's horn sounded and I looked to my side. Rosetta was lying in my arms, sleeping quite soundly. It had all been a dream. One horrible nightmare. 

I laid back down and pulled Rosetta tighter into my arms. I could still feel the panic in my head so I forced myself to think of other things. Things such as what would happen when we got to Italy.

I didn't know how Giovanni would receive me but I could only hope for his forgiveness. I had killed his daughter. I wasn't expecting it but I could hope for it. I hadn't meant to kill Lucinda. She was the one who wanted to see beneath the mask.

I traced Rosetta's jaw and twirled a lock of hair around me finger. She was so beautiful. So perfect. Gentle as a lamb but tough as steel. She was like a diamond, beautiful and prized but the toughest of all gems.

Rosetta's POV:

I felt someone tighten their grip on me and I smirked to myself. Erik would do that unconsciously in his sleep. I never understood why. He did it more now I was with child. I felt eyes on me and turned to look at him.

Something was wrong and I could feel it. His hands were shaking and I whispered,

"Love, what is wrong?" He looked away and absentmindedly rubbed my stomach. He glance at it when our little one kicked. I took his hand and held it firmly. When he turned to look at me he said,

"I had a nightmare. There was a storm and the ship went down. We were in a lifeboat and you were thrown out. I couldn't hold you. I lost you to the sea." He held my head to his chest and whimpered, "My heart died when I realized you were gone."

I wrapped my arms around his waist and ran my hand through his hair. I heard a sob but only held him closer. That was the ultimate nightmare for him. Losing me and our child. We were his life and to lose us would kill him. 

"Erik, I am alive. Everything is alright. You are alright." I rubbed his back. "I am not leaving any time soon. We are almost to Italy. Such a nightmare will never come true." He nodded and pulled away enough to kiss me.

With expert skill, he moved on top of me and started to passionately kiss me. I never minded and we often did this while I was pregnant. I didn't want to go any further but he would have a hard time staying away from me for that long. This was my way of keeping him happy.

He messages my waist and ran his tongue over my lips. I obediently opened my mouth and he swept it inside. I reached up and pulled the mask off, running my hands over his twisted face and the place where he nose should have been. 

He groaned and squeezed my waist. I smirked into the kiss and ran my hands over his clothed chest. I loved the feel of his chest and didn't particularly care that it was gaunt. I managed to keep the weight on him but it wasn't easy.

His lips had just moved to my neck and I was just about to slip my hands into his shirt when a knock came to the door. It was probably a good thing because I was about to moan. Erik removed his mouth from my neck and rolled his eyes. I smirked and pointed towards the door. He stood up and said,

"What is it?" The first mate's voice came through the wooden door saying,

"We are about to dock in Italy, sir. It will be another forty five minutes and you may disembark." Erik nodded and said,

"Very well. Thank you for telling me." Footsteps were heard walking away and Erik walked back over to me. I sat up and said,

"Maybe we should pack? More kissing later?" He smirked at me and gave me on long kiss on the lips and whispered against them,

"Sounds like a plan I can live with." After one last peck, we worked on making sure we had our things packed.

Forty-five minutes later, we were walking down the gangplank to our new home in Italy. I looked around and gripped Erik's arm firmly. He squeezed my hand and hailed a cab for us. We got in and he gave the driver directions.

I looked at him and said, "Erik, what is going to happen?" He shrugged his shoulder and said,

"I haven't a clue, Rose. Not a single clue. For all I know, Giovanni might be dead. He is my only friend here and I don't know if he even wants to see me again." I wrapped my arms around him and said,

"I am sure everything will be fine. I just know it will." He smiled at me and kissed my lips softly as the carriage came to a halt. He stepped out and took my hand and helped me out. He took the bags from the driver and after paying him, we walked up the front door of a large and very nice house.

I saw Erik's hands were shaking as he knocked on the door. I squeezed his arm and the door opened. A woman in her late fifties stood there and harshly said something in Italian. I looked at Erik and he responded with something else in Italian.

He had taught me some of the language but not enough for me to understand completely what they were saying. I got the idea though that they were arguing. I simply blocked it out and waited until they were done.

I guessed Erik had won because the woman stepped aside and let us pass.  She said something and disappeared up the stairs. I looked at Erik and he said,

"She didn't want to let us talk to Giovanni. It seems that he is very ill and dying. I finally convinced her to let me talk to him. I don't know what will happen." I slipped my arm through his and said,

"It will be fine." The woman walked down the stairs and I understood enough Italian to know that she said,

"He will see you now."

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