Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

***Bambi's POV***

Pain shot up my left hand as it came in contact with the cool punching bag. I shook it off as I practiced my techniques for Friday's big fight. "Bam. I think you've practiced enough for today. Ah hell, probably for the full week." Jake hollered at me. Now you see Jake is my coach, and my best friend. Mostly my coach. "Bam." Jake laughed as he put a hand on my shoulder. My protective instincts were on high, and that caused me to turn quickly and punch him right in his rock hard abs. They couldn't protect him though because he fell straight to the ground.

"Whoops," I said in my sarcastic bitchy tone as I walked over him and grabbed a water bottle from the cooler and sat on it. Jake grunted as he got up. He was clutching his stomach, exactly where I punched him. I smirked to myself. Whimpy bitch, I thought.

"You think I'd be used to that by now." Jake laughed as he ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair and sat next to me. His normal

"I can cause a lot of damage. I've proven that in every single fight. Can't you take a damn hint?" I said after I practically sucked the water down in less then a minute.

"Nope. I guess I can't." Jake smiled but I rolled my eyes, hopping off the cooler and going back to the punching bag. "Bam, you seriously need to take a break! You're going to w-"

"Stop acting like someone your not Jake!" I yelled, as I punched out my anger.

"Who am I acting like? Huh? I'm just trying to be you're best friend a-"

"Jake, you're my coach. You're barely my best friend to me anymore." I retorted as I punched the bag harder then I have before. That seemed to take Jake over the edge.

"Then who the fucking hell am I acting like? Huh? Who?! Cause I sure as hell don't know." Jake yelled from the cooler. I seriously just wanted to punch the shit out of him, but that wouldn't be lady like. Oh wait, I'm far from a lady. Ever since what happened eight years ago I've been nothing but a lady. Unless you call beating a guys arse every Friday night a lady, then I'm defiantly far from it.

"You're acting like my damn father Jake!" I screamed turning around so that I faced him. He looked taken aback, but most of all he looked sorry. He knew the event that happened between my father, mother, and I was an untouchable subject. Period.

Jake hopped off the cooler and walked slowly over to me. "So you're saying I'm a worthless piece of crap to you? Is that what you're saying? HUH?" Jake yelled, anger replacing the sorrow that he once felt.

"Did I fucking say that you're a worthless piece of crap? NO! I didn't! So before you go running yo-" I was knocked to the ground with one swift kick to my abdomen. "What the fuck Jake?!" I screamed as I jumped up and was now face to face with my coach.

"If you can get knocked down like that, I don't think you need to be boxing." anger boiled inside of me as Jake held his hand out. Smirking I took it, only yank him towards me and kick him back hard. He went flying back and hit ont of the mats on the floor. "Ow! Fuck!" I laughed as I walked over to him and pressed my foot on his chest.

"I don't need to be boxing? Look at who's on the ground you little whimp." Jake smiled, breathing heavy. Jake raised a hand out again, and I knew he was gonna pull me down beside him. Taking the risk, I took his hand and pulled him up before he could try anything.

"You're a little bitch." Jake joked and I smiled walking back over to the punching bag. I smiled, accepting the complement. "Call me when you leave."

"Aww. Is the poor baby leaving?" I joked with a fake smile on my face as I started to kick the bag with my left foot.

"Yeah. I have to. School starts in two hours.." Jake said as he started walking away. I froze as I thought about what he had said. "I'll cover for you."

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