Chapter 6

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Alexander State High's cafeteria, much like the rest of the school, was luxurious in a sterile, modern way. The same too-bright light reflected off the same perfectly polished tiles. The room was divided into four sections by a pair of pillars, as if a particularly geometrically-obsessed architect had designed it.

At the furthest end from the entryway, a pair of school employees manned a cash register and a long line of heated glass casings. As the lunch break was nearly over, there were only a few students that still sat at the tables.The general air of dismalness set Jane's already nervous mind on edge.

Beatrice had evidently called a meeting with her friends. A small group of glamorous-looking teenagers were seated together off to one side, their clothes obviously branded and new. They looked up as the pair entered, crowded together in a corner.

Beatrice waved, as if she were simply coming back from a class. Jane lowered her head, doing her best not to make eye-contact with any members of the group. Her stomach was doing flip-flops. What was happening? What did Beatrice want from her?

The group parted, allowing just enough space for two people. Beatrice took a seat first, patting the spot next to her. There was only enough of a gap for Jane to squeeze her narrow hips into.

Jane lowered herself onto the bench slowly, as if it might bite her.

"Guys, this is beanstalk. Say hello." Beatrice still hadn't looked at her.

There was a brief moment of silence as they examined her closely.

"Her hair's so ugly. Do you think it's real?" a girl in a pink jacket sneered. Her braces glinted as she spoke.

Jane's fists tightened in her lap.

"No way," a dark skinned boy replied, "She's too broke for a salon."

A spattering of giggles erupted from the group.

The boy sitting next to Jane waved a hand near his own nose.

"Too broke for soap, obviously."

"Hey beanstalk, you even talk?"

"Maybe she's dumb."

"Poor and dumb? I bet it runs in her family."

"Does she even have a family? Or maybe she lives under a bridge, turning..."

The group continued in this vane for several more minutes, each member taking a turn jeering at Jane, every line more personal and insulting than the last.

Her eyes watered. She wanted to scream.

"Guys, be nice, she's with me," Beatrice said, breaking up their torment.

With that, the conversation's topic changed immediately, as if they had completely forgotten about Jane.

They continued talking amongst themselves, ignoring Jane, who tried to make herself as small as possible. Perhaps that was all they had wanted. A target to throw a few cruel jokes towards.

She began to think they had grown bored of her when Beatrice spoke.

"Joss, hold her down," Beatrice said casually, as one hand brushed her bangs to the side.

The boy next to Jane gripped the back of her head and forced it to the table with a dull thud.

Jane cried out wordlessly. She couldn't control it anymore. Tears began to run down her face. She hated herself for it.

Head on its side, Jane could see Beatrice looking her in the eyes at last.

Other members of the group stood up and positioned themselves behind the pair, obscuring Jane from view. What few students and staff left in the cafeteria wouldn't notice anything.

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