Chapter 34

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Jane had dearly missed being in a jacket. True, bright red was not her style, and Ryder's clothing size was several times her own, but it was the concept that counted. She was seated next to Ryder as he gripped the steering wheel in both hands, with only the shift stick between them.

"God, I'm starving," he complained, eyes firmly fixed on the road. They were on the outskirts of Alexander, with only the occasional house zooming past them.

"You didn't even take any food with you?" Jane asked.

He chuckled. "I was a little busy trying not to get caught. Maybe we can go grocery shopping in town."

Jane patted her jeans pockets. "Don't look at me, my wallet burned up in the fire. I don't have any money."

Ryder's eyes widened, concerned. "Me either."

They shared a glance, both unsure of what to do next, but fully aware that something must be done.

"Oh no, we're broke, aren't we?" There was a mirth in Ryder's voice, an amusement born of exasperation. It was perhaps the first time in his life that he had no money. He burst out laughing. "We're gonna have to steal to survive. What a cliché."

"Or we could leave it all behind," Jane said. "You know... just go somewhere. Get a job there. It doesn't have to be like this."

Ryder's face fell, the laughter dying down. "This again? You know my dad'll never stop hunting us. There's nowhere we can go. Besides, how are we gonna get to another state without money? We're almost out of gas, and we haven't eaten since yesterday."

Jane's stomach growled, as if agreeing with him. She had to admit, food did sound good.

Ryder had made some indisputable arguments. It was true. Now that Jackson had Jane's scent, he would always be on their trail. They would be looking over their shoulders for the rest of their lives, always wondering which one of their loved ones would be the next one to take a bullet.

"Okay." Jane did not want this anymore. It had cost too much. . In the end, she'd started this, and it would end with her, one way or another.

"Okay?" Ryder asked. He looked away from the road for a moment, searching her eyes.

"Lets steal some food. And I'll need a laptop or two."

"Can do. And then after?"

"Lets figure that out after I'm armed and fed," said Jane.

Ryder chuckled. "We're gonna gear you up, Rambo."

The long stretches of forest had given way to the familiar brick-and-concrete fixtures of Alexander township proper. It was the exact time of day that the traffic was sparse enough to maneuver the streets with little trouble, even if the sidewalks and stores were packed with people.

Jane found herself searching the crowds, searching for a familiar face. It felt like an eternity ago that she would look through the bus windows, wishing to be one of the dozen nobodies in the street, Victoria chattering away next to her.

It still hurt. The idea that her only friend had never been really been on her side in the first place.

Ryder pulled the van into the most monotone parking lot Jane had ever seen. Not a single patch of vivid color was visible anywhere in the lot, save for the blue of Ryder's van itself.

He shut the engine off. "Okay, how are we gonna do this?"

The grocery doors stared at them like the gaze of a predator, glassy and reflective. Jane considered them with her nail between her teeth.

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