Part 4

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I walked outside. It was empty. "Lil?!" I called out. She didn't answer. "LILY!" I called out again, this time I shouted. Still no answer. The ally was empty. I started to look around for her. The air felt cold. I called out one more time. This time it was followed by a scream. It sounded like Lily. I ran towards where the scream came from. I could sense other demons. There were about four, no, five of them. I peeked around the corner. I could see Lily trying to fight them off. They had taken her. As they were tying her up, she started to kick them. One of the demons got fed up and hit her. I became engulfed with rage. "How dare you touch her!" I said as I started to sprint towards them. I tore them off of her. "Lil you ok?" I asked as I started to untie her. " I'm fine but what about you why... how did your eyes change color?" "It's nothing" I told her. His eyes changed to a dark red. All the specks of gold had disappeared. Great now they've done it. I didn't want Lily to see this side of me but it was too late. I looked back at her. The other demons took that as a chance to come after me. Three of them jumped on me. I shocked them off. Another demon charged at me with a blade. As he attempted to stab me I picked him up and threw him across the alley. I grabbed the blade out of the demon's hand and went after the other three. I watched as Damon quickly eliminated the other three demons. He moved so fast and graciously. The demons were on the ground in a second. They didn't stand a chance against Damon. While Damon was finishing them off the fifth demon appeared. He had a knife, but it looked different. It was a dark silver color. I thought I had seen it before but I couldn't think of what it did. Then I remembered. It was a special knife that was infused with iron which was made specifically to kill demons with. If a demon is cut with it, they go through excruciating pain and it takes days to heal. Most demons that are faced with this weapon usually die. I had to warn him. "Damon behind you!" I heard Lily shout from behind. "Be careful that knife is...'' Before I could hear Lily finish her sentence I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder. "NOOOO" she shouted. I felt the same pain but this time on my side. I turned around and looked at the knife. It was an iron knife. I sighed. This was not going to be fun. I charged at the demon but he quickly dodged. He cut my arm as I reached for him. I cursed under my breath. I attempted again to grab him. Once again he dodged but this time he charged at me instead of backing away. He stabbed me multiple times. One after another. I couldn't land a blow on the demon. I couldn't watch. The other demon was beating Damon. I could feel the tears build up as I watched the demon stab Damon over and over again. It looked like he was giving up. I couldn't stand it anymore. I got up and picked up a knife that was nearby. Quickly I ran over. I jumped on to the demon. I looked at Damon and smiled. He looked at me in horror and then passed out. I looked at Lily with horror. What was she doing? She is going to get herself killed. I wanted to get up and help her but I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness. Then everything went black. I was filled with raging anger. I grabbed the demon by the head and slit its throat. As it was struggling to breathe I grabbed the iron knife and stabbed it multiple times. Each time with more force. The anger slowly turned into concern as I finished it off.

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