Chapter 17

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The weather was changing quickly and all the leaves had fallen off the trees in the forest around the pack. The only foliage with any color left were the evergreens. Even if it felt a little like a cage, I couldn't deny the beauty of the pack that surrounded me. From my bedroom window I could see every sunrise and in the wilderness away from any pollution, it seemed like I could see every star in the sky at night. This new life held few advantages, so I decided to savor this one.

I woke with a chill and pulled the covers tighter around me.

'Liam.' I mind linked with no response.

'Liam!' I tried louder. Still nothing.

'LIAM!' I heard him move around in his bed and a concerned cry came through my mind.

'What?! What's wrong?'

'Can you turn on the furnace please?'


'My room is freezing can you please turn on the furnace?' I can hear him sigh all the way through the walls.

'And why can't you turn it on yourself?'

'It's too cold for me to get out of my bed.'

'Lily. It's not that cold.'

'Maybe if you're a werewolf! Humans don't have built in space heaters!'

I hear him stand from his bed, open his door and walk down the hallway to the thermostat. Soon I hear the furnace kick on and snuggle down deeper into my comforter. He comes to my door and opens it slowly, peering in to find me burrowed under the covers. He chuckles and shakes his head. He's in nothing but a pair of boxers and I allow my eyes a brief moment to wander. God he's scrumptious.

"I could share my body heat if you wanted." He says smugly. I scowl at him and turn over.

"No. Now go away." He chuckles again as I hear my bedroom door close.

Once my room heats up to a bearable temperature I take a hot shower, dress and go downstairs to make breakfast.

For myself.

Not Liam.

Because I'm a petty bitch.

As I pile bacon, eggs and hashbrowns on my plate and Liam pours himself a bowl oat bran (because that's all we have left and the man doesn't know how to grocery shop) I look at the calendar and gasp. That startles Liam enough that he drops his bowl and spills milk all over the counter top. He looks at me annoyed as he grabs the paper towels to clean up his mess.

"What the hell was that for?" He asks.

"Thanksgiving is next week! I totally forgot! I haven't planned anything!" Liam shrugs and continues wiping up his milk.

"It's fine. We don't really celebrate Thanksgiving." I look at him with raised brows and scoff.


"Yeah... Why?"

"I'm just surprised. It's an entire holiday centered around food." Liam looks thoughtful over this for a minute before he nods.

"Good point."

A second later I hear his voice in my head.

'Packmates, your Luna and I would like to invite you to Thanksgiving dinner at the packhouse next Thursday. Each family that plans to attend, please bring a side. Your Luna and I will provide the meat and drinks. Plan to eat at three and come hungry!'

My mouth drops as I gape at him. I can't believe how easy that was.

"Well now Sam and I have to go on a supply run." Liam nods and grabs his keys.

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