Chapter 21

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I spent the next few days decorating our house and the packhouse in between my normal Luna duties. Liam has started asking me to do paperwork, which I think is honestly his job he just hates it.

But he agreed to artificial trees so… compromise.

The tree in our living room is eight feet tall and decorated with a red and silver theme. The only ornament that isn’t red or silver is a little black wolf I found that looks like it’s howling. Liam got a kick out of that. We strung garland along the banister for the staircase and hung wreaths on every door. We hung three stockings over our fireplace. Liam and I both agreed Sam would be heartbroken if we left him out. I baked gingerbread cookies to really add to the spirit and Sam wandered into our house, following his nose from the other side of the territory.

The packhouse looked like a winter wonderland. The tree in there was fifteen feet tall, wrapped with all different colored garland and lights. I had the school kids make little ornaments for it that they hung themselves, so the lower four feet of the tree is saturated with ornaments while the rest is practically bare. I made Liam come look at it and he could barely contain his laughter. I recruited the teenagers to help finish decorating the large tree and set the star on top.

Technically we decorated that tree twice because while I was gone to the pack hospital, the teenagers were too lazy to get a ladder to place the star so they built a pyramid out of themselves, fell over, crashed into the tree and made a giant mess. Liam wanted to scream at them, but I told him my disappointed looks would be punishment enough.

I was right.

And I now have a bunch of volunteer elves to help pass out presents on Christmas Eve.

Escaping the pack territory to find Liam a Christmas present was a challenge, but Sam and I managed it one afternoon. We told him we told him we were going to spend the afternoon at the school. But he felt our bond weaken as soon as Sam and I left the territory and spent the next three hours asking what we were doing and when we would be back in our mind link.

On the morning of Christmas Eve I woke up early to bake gingerbread men cookies for the kids to decorate at the party. After the first time we fell asleep together, Liam kept trying to sneak into my room to sleep saying he couldn't sleep alone anymore. I thought he was just being ridiculous until he came down that morning in a white t shirt and sleep pants, hair messy, blood shot eyes with dark circles under them and scruff on his jaw.

The scruff I could get used to.

"You alright?" I ask giving him a nervous glance.

"Couldn't sleep." He mumbles as he drops down onto one of the stools by the island.

"Do you have to work today?" I ask as I hand him a cup of coffee.

"I think I need a day off." He answers. I nod and make him eggs, bacon and toast. He gives me a surprised look when I put the plate in front of him. It's the first time I've cooked for him.

"Thank you, sweetheart." He says as he gives me a shy smile. I smile back and pull the last tray of cookies out of the oven, setting them on the cooling rack. Liam inhales his breakfast and puts the plate in the sink.

"Come on." I pull on his arm. "Let's go take a nap."

He eyes me suspiciously but allows me to pull him into the den. I pull the curtains closed and turn on a Christmas movie before lying on the couch and motioning him to join me. He lays down in between my legs with his head on my chest and wraps his arms around my waist. I pull the blanket from the back of the couch to cover us with it and Liam closes his eyes. I absent-mindedly run my fingers through his hair while my other arm rests along his back. I feel a rumble in his chest that reminds me of purring. I stop my gentle assault on his hair to grab the remote and as soon as I do, Liam lets out a little growl that makes me giggle.

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