06| You've Got yourself a Deal

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"Experience taught her,
Hurt raised her,
Tragedy changed her."


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"I don't want to go with you, so don't take me in."

The moment I said that, their eyes widened in shock with their brows knitted together, and their earlier warm smiles went frigid.

"If not with us, where do you intend on staying, because from what I understand, you don't have any other family besides us?" My father questioned, his voice gave way to assertiveness and there was an undeniable conviction in his tone.

His lips that had a soft smile were now pressed together expressing his discontent.

So was the case of Elijah, whose smile had turned into a frown while he stared at me as if waiting for me to explain.

They both looked taken aback from my impulsive outburst and they expressed their disapproval distinctly.

As my father stated the fact my eyes turned to glare, staring at anything but the gaze of two men who were giving me a look of dissatisfaction.

"First off, we are not family, and secondly, I could stay in the orphanage, it's only three years anyway." I said, not wanting to lose the argument I initiated.

My father let out a humourless chuckle at my jab at family, whereas my brother's eyes bore right into me, revealing the depth of coldness behind them.

"Fine, as you said, we are not family, but you can't deny that we are still related by blood. So, let's make a deal, for the next three years that you are willing to stay in the orphanage, you could come stay with us, and if you decide to leave once the three years are up, nobody will stop you from leaving." My father spoke in a businesslike tone, as if he was hellbent on winning this deal.

But so was I.

I'd had enough pain and torture for a lifetime, and I wasn't ready to go to another person's house to suffer through the same fate.

"No, I want nothing to do with any of you." I stated lowly, my voice was betraying my words.

My heart keeps hurting, pleading me to give them a chance.

Maybe it's a chance, life gave me to finally have a family.

But at the same time, my mind continues to reason with me, telling how they abandoned me to my doom.

My thoughts were all chaotic

But one thing was certain, that I didn't want to get hurt again.

This caused me to look away from them for a split second, masking the pain behind my eyes, before returning to giving them a look that made it clear that I wanted nothing more than to leave.

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