41| Hurt and Panics

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"It's terrible." Emilia stated

"You're terrible." Marco replied.

"Shut up, you ugly bitch." Emilia said, glaring at Marco.

"You do realise we are both twins, we have similar features and look almost alike." Marco glared back.

"Yeah, but I look better. Don't I guys?." Emilia smirked asking us, and we all replied with a 'yes'.

"Ugh, Why do I have to be so unlucky to be stuck with you." Marco said frustration dripping in his voice.

"Shut up bitch, you should be fucking honoured to have been graced with my presence." Emilia retorted back.

"God, take me now." Marco said dramatically as he looked up at the ceiling before closing his eyes and folding his hands together in a prayer.

"I can push you off the cliff, but then mom will kill me but I don't mind." Emilia offered, causing all us guys to laugh.

"You–" Marco started but was cut off by Charlotte in the middle of his sentence.

"I swear to God, if you guys don't stop right now, I'm going to shove this brush so far up your asses that you'll have trouble walking for days." Charlotte said, annoyed while glaring at the twins, cutting off the bickering that's been going on between them.

"He's an idiot."
"She started it."

They both said it at the same time, pointing at each other, before returning to their glaring.

I love how twins bicker all day–

"Nathan, tell these kids I'm done with them. I'm going to drop them off at an orphanage on our way back home. We don't need them anymore." Charlotte exclaimed with a dramatic sigh, causing the twins to glare at her.

"Tsk-Tsk! Kids, don't annoy her." Nathan tutted disapprovingly, obviously playing along with Charlotte

"Can I kill them?" Emilia turned to look at Marco who responded with a nod.

"Yeah, just a little bit." He replied with a grin.

This sparked yet another argument, which was now between the twins and Nathan-Charlotte.

Lucca, Elena and I were looking back and forth, enjoying every minute of the argument.

It's been a few days since I had joined the school, and I've got used to these dumb arguments and bickering in the group.

It's one of the things that makes me look forward to coming to school everyday or maybe the only thing

But I can vouch that even though it's only been a few days, Lucca and I have grown quite close to the group.

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