The bull

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We looked at the old sage, ..
"What? ", I asked him

That time ma and grandma came there.
Grandma saw him and went to him

" Guru ji,  you are here, good.. This is my grandson and his to be wife.. Can you look at them and tell them how their life would be" she said.

I was irritated. I didn't believe in such things, how can a human predict someone's future.. But I didn't say anything.. Out of respect for the elders

The old man called us, to his place beneath a tree. He looked at our palms and he had a few shell like beads.. Which he scattered..

He looked at me and Sree with a serious look..
"Is there any matter guru ji", asked my grandma

He shook his head slowly..
" They are made for each other, perfect for each other.. soulmates.. Their love will shine.. That's all I have to say", he said.

I looked at Sree's expression. I couldn't find out what she was thinking.
I believed this old man would tell the same thing to everyone.
My grandma and ma was happy on hearing that..

We got up to leave.. My mother, grandma and Sree had started before me..

"Vikram", the sage called me.
I turned around

" When true light is there,.. The evil fear..
They want to destroy it.. You two.. May be soulmates and that's why.. The evil wouldn't let you be together.. Your lives are in danger Vikram.. Danger...
If your love would survive, I can't say", he said

I froze on hearing that. I usually don't believe such things, but when he said danger, I recollected Karan.. I knew that.. I knew we were in danger..

" How do you think we can survive, what should I do", I asked

He smiled. " To survive fate,.. your love.. Believe in it.. It's the most powerful thing you have.. Only it can save you,.. But still no one can tell", he said..

I stood still. What did he mean? I didn't understand..

I was thinking about what he was saying and exited the temple. Sree and the elders were no where to be seen.. they would have started to walk home,
I walked towards a shortcut to the house,..
When I saw a bull.. In front of me.. Charging towards me furiously.

Veena Ma and grandma, went forward home, while I told them that I would come with Vikram. I had to ask him.. What the truth was..

I spotted Vikram getting out of the temple.. I ran after him to catch up..

He took a short cut and I followed..
Only to be shocked to find a big black bull, in front of him.. He was trying to hold it off by holding its horns.. His hands were bleeding..
It shook it's head so fast and striked against Vikram chest.. He fell to the side

"Somebody help!", I shouted again and again

Vikram saw me. " Sree go away, go away from here", he pleaded.

I couldn't, I wasn't a stone hearted person

The bull was going to charge at him again. I quickly collected some stones and threw at it..

It turned around at me.
"No!! ", Vikram shouted. It started charging towards me, .. But thankfully the villagers came hearing me shout and took care of it..

I rushed to Vikram, who was bleeding profusely..

" Why would you do that, Sree.. I told you to run away", he said

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