The Ex

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We were called to another meeting in the cafeteria.
We went there and I stood with Akshara and Ramesh.
Ajay wasn't there.

Vikram arrived with a woman.. She looked modern and had some makeup on her.. She was wearing a short skirt..

"Hello everyone, I want to introduce you all to Natasha kapoor. We all know that we are looking forward to opening our Mumbai branch next month..

So for one of a really big project, Natasha's company and ours have to work and collaborate together.. So she is going to be here often.. Any help she needs you guys get it done for her", he said

The lady smiled at all of us..

" Yah guys, good to be working with you all especially with Vikram. Vikram and I go way back, .. ", she said and looked at him.

I immediately hated her, she had an air of attitude and overconfidence.. And the way she looked at him..

The employees greeted her.

" Oh my god,.. Natasha! ", Ramesh remarked

" You know her? ", I asked.

" I have been in this company from the beginning,.. Natasha was going to get married to Vikram sir, his love, his ex you could say", he said.

My surroundings started spinning.

Didn't Vikram tell to me in the park that he didn't have any girlfriend.. Was he telling only about the present.. I had assumed that he never had one..
I couldn't recollect..

Akshara put her hands on my shoulder..
"Don't worry Sree", she said

" Ramesh, you said they were going to get married ,then what happened? ", I asked

" I have no idea Sree.. Don't know much.. But I think he loved her a lot, because after her, I had never seen sir with any woman", he said.

He didn't tell me about her, but how could I expect that, when all he had been telling me were lies..
My brain was filled with questions with no answers

We had our snacks.. I saw Vikram talking to Natasha and I felt a different feeling pass through me.. I was angry and I hated her..

Ria, joined them and talked animatedly.
What were they talking about..

Ria was that Vikram gang girl, his fan, ..
I went to get coffee and passed by them..

"Sree", he called

I turned..

Ria gave me a disapproving look

" Get some coffee for Natasha ma'am would you", he said.

I looked at him for a second, wondering how he could expect me to do something like that.. I wasn't his servant or secretary.

"No sugar please", Natasha said

Then, I nodded and got the coffee.
I handed it to Natasha without looking at her.

"Omg you added sugar!!! You,.. Didn't I tell you, I'm on diet.. And because of you.. What a simple thing to do and you couldn't even do this properly", she said

I held the urge, to snap back at her.

" I told them, not to add, they must have added by mistake", I said

I looked at Vikram who didn't even look at me.

I was more angry on him..

"It's ok Natasha, I'll get another coffee for you", he said.

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