Chapter 13: Match Failed

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"We'll try again tomorrow," I say to Eros as his disappointment in the bunnies not bonding yet is palpable

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"We'll try again tomorrow," I say to Eros as his disappointment in the bunnies not bonding yet is palpable.

We've put the animals back in their separate pens, but next to each other so they can still get used to the sight without being able to attack.

"It's almost as difficult as humans," he mutters, and I give him a questioning look. He clears his throat. "I mean, I guess it's like finding a match for humans. You can't just pick the first person off the street, right?"

"That's true." I smile as I pick my wine glass up from the counter and take a sip. "Some bunnies never bond, but hopefully that's not the case with these two. It's sometimes a long, slow process and we just have to take our time."

"I'm not always the most patient person," he admits with a wry smile that's oddly endearing. "Sometimes I just want to see immediate results. I've learned that doesn't always happen though."

"Rarely does." Putting my wine glass back down, I watch him where he's still on the floor by the rabbit pens, stroking Leonard's head. I've been here for a good two hours now without him doing more than giving me a quick—almost chaste—kiss when I first arrived, and I'm a little disappointed. And very confused. I thought we did so well last weekend. What about his hand on my thigh in the pool? Was that just a happy accident?

"So..." I jump up on the counter separating the kitchen from the living room to sit next to my wine glass, my legs over the edge. "Tell me something about yourself. I realize I know very little about you." Other than what a great kisser you are.

"There's not much to tell." He gives a last stroke to Leonard before standing. When he sees me on the counter, he stills for a moment, and I worry that I've done something wrong. I've noticed he's a bit of a neat freak—or at least was before the bunnies took over his home—and maybe my butt on his clean counter is a big no-no. "What do you want to know?"

I dangle my feet as I debate my options. There's no way I'm wasting this opportunity to ask questions. I take another sip of wine. "Oh, do you have any family?"

"In a sense." He's still standing in the middle of the living room, the look on his face as he watches me unreadable. "I have a large extended family, but no close relatives."

"Oh, that must suck." I consider myself quite close to my family, and I can't imagine what it would be like not to have your parents or any siblings. "I have a brother and a sister. They're annoying, but I love them."

"Siblings are like that. I guess I consider some of my brethren my brothers," he muses, as he takes a rather large gulp of wine. His brethren? "There's always fierce competition between us, and lately I've been failing. The pressure can be enormous."

"It's difficult to perform to the standards your family wishes of you." I nod. "My parents wanted me to be a doctor, and here I am, a lowly veterinarian."

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